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Thread: Is it TIME to REPLAY the game?

  1. #1

    Icon2 Is it TIME to REPLAY the game?

    Hi there folks,

    I've been a total war fan since Shogun 1, played all the way through all the games, love the series. But when i preodered Rome 2 (beeing rome 1 my favorite) I've felt betrayed since the game was pratically broken and not fun at all to play....Since Rome 2 Launch I haven't played the game.

    So... what I would like to know if it is a fun game to play now? Or just kinda forget about the Rome 2 series.

    Should I purchase some expansion to make it feel whole?

    Although there's several threads about this, some of them are old and filled with haters (that even though hate the game, have 200+ hours on record). So I'd love a fresh on this from this awesome community =)

    Thanks a bunch in advance
    "I would rather be first in a small village in Gaul than second in command in Rome"
    Gaius Julius Caesar - Emperor of Rome

  2. #2

    Default Re: Is it TIME to REPLAY the game?

    I waited ages before getting the game for all sorts of reasons. The Emperor edition has fixed a lot of the issues you will have heard about, I think (I'm no expert). But the key thing is that there are some brilliant mods - for free - on this forum. I downloaded Toons mod which has loads of extra bits and pieces in it... it's really really great, I've had hours of fun with the game.

    My advice would be to download all the official updates (if you still can) or just invest a few quid in the Emperor's edition and get one of the global mods. I really enjoy the game, what can I tell ya!



  3. #3
    Willhelm123's Avatar Decanus
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    Default Re: Is it TIME to REPLAY the game?

    Get it and use mods.

  4. #4
    Spear Dog's Avatar Primicerius
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    Default Re: Is it TIME to REPLAY the game?

    If you uninstalled your game when you stopped playing, or even if you do it now, when you re-install all the updates will bring the game fully up to the Emperor edition. So basically every Rome 2 game installed now is the Emperor ed.

    Like you I've been playing since the start, but I've never played a TW straight up at the release. Mostly this was because my hardware was usually out of date and the games were often larger than my HDD - as a result I've never experienced the negatives people often rant about for various releases. I think all the title have their issues, but I've always been able to keep sight of the fact that it's just a computer game - not RL; I've had no expectation I was about to relive history.

    I started Rome 2 for the first time only 2 weeks ago. This time the delay wasn't hardware but the serious controversy about how unready for release this game was - backed up by endless screenshots of ridiculous stuff-ups (that and the fact that prices finally came down to what I think are acceptable at the EOFY sale in my local games shop. i always go for the retail disc, I'm of an era where when I pay for something - I like to see it on my shelf). All of that is gone now and any objection can only be based on how the game plays and game design; there a few issues but I think they're minor and not really deal-breakers.

    Typical for me and a TW game, I've spent way too much time playing in the past fortnight - so it definitely has the "one more turn" factor. I'm in the late stages of the Grand Campaign now, playing as the Julia faction for Rome and I think overall it's most comparable to Shogun 2 where a bit of patience early in the game pays off later. I'll probably mod this game much sooner than I've modded any other of the titles but I'll still give vanilla a pretty good flogging checking out the other factions.

    I wouldn't have a problem recommending this game to anyone - not 10/10 but nonetheless immersive and enjoyable.

    Time to replay this game.
    Last edited by Spear Dog; June 26, 2015 at 07:59 PM.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Is it TIME to REPLAY the game?

    Reinstalled recently, played a little while, uninstalled.

    There is too much missing compared to other total wars, and that feeling alone, ruins the experience for me.

    NTW and Shogun 2 give me a better experience for example.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Is it TIME to REPLAY the game?

    Thanks for the answers!
    "I would rather be first in a small village in Gaul than second in command in Rome"
    Gaius Julius Caesar - Emperor of Rome

  7. #7

    Default Re: Is it TIME to REPLAY the game?

    yeah its good play it.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Is it TIME to REPLAY the game?

    With some mods to fix the problems I have with the game, this is one of my favorite Total War games.
    In my opinion Medieval II and the first Rome feel a bit outdated compared to Rome II. Yes the campaign map do have some better mechanics in the older games, but for me Total War is mostly about the battles and the battles both look and play better in Rome II (with mods).

  9. #9

    Default Re: Is it TIME to REPLAY the game?

    I was wondering like you whether to play again. Id put in 90hrs after I got the game on release and gave up because of problems with my campaigns nearly coming to a halt when processing turns or loading battles not to mention all the other bugs with siege AI etc etc.
    However I am so glad I installed it again yesterday and started a new campaign with Rome because the game is now much improved! AI is much improved, Graphics polished, loading times much faster. Did 47 turns in 3hrs, played 3 battles, agonised over decisions, defended two rebellions, consoled myself after two General's died and had a lot of fun

    Also I haven't played previous Total Wars so I miss a lot of what people say about previous ones and I haven't installed any mods.

  10. #10
    Monkson's Avatar Foederatus
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    Default Re: Is it TIME to REPLAY the game?

    I've just reinstalled and am getting ready to start playing as Rome. Watched some Let's Play YT videos to help me with the mechanics since it's been a while. Also loaded up the Divide et Imprera mod so looking forward to see how it is.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Is it TIME to REPLAY the game?

    No idea on vanilla, but DEI certainly satisfied me, and that's from someone who played a ton of every TW games.

  12. #12
    Hound of Ulster's Avatar Senator
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    Default Re: Is it TIME to REPLAY the game?

    Play it, but siege battles are really wonky. Wrath of Sparta is a lot of fun in particular.
    'Only the Dead Have Seen the End of War' Plato

    'Killing is Negotiating' A militiaman in 'Blackhawk Down'

  13. #13

    Default Re: Is it TIME to REPLAY the game?

    Depends on why you stopped playing. I started playing the game again in the last week and have found it to be mostly enjoyable. That initial feeling that 'none of the team actually played the whole game before it was released' (especially on the UI side of things) is still present, and there are some things that are maddeningly ill thought through in their design conception or implementation (provinces in particular, but also the building trees and techs).

    I've a collection of various mods that significant improve the experience of playing the game (battles especially, thanks to the MW2 combat mod) and DeI seems to make things more engaging. But I've now reached that point in my Rome game where there's nothing left to build in any of my first 3 or so provinces (or rather, the higher tier buildings are pointless to build), the technologies being researched are on autopilot, the decision events have long stopped, and there are multiple turns where nothing happens. I now have to turn on long-time allies and trading partners in order to expand, because the game forces me to connect arbitary settlements into provinces.
    Currently following these promising mods - Imperia Antiquitatis by Splenyi
    Traits, Talents, and Toadies
    by Hellbent
    Real Roman Reforms
    by Aodh Mor
    Unit Icons project
    by Bullgod
    Also recommended:
    City Sack, Liberation and Diplomatic Options
    by Dresden

  14. #14
    Humble Warrior's Avatar Vicarius Provinciae
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    Default Re: Is it TIME to REPLAY the game?

    Quote Originally Posted by Hound of Ulster View Post
    Play it, but siege battles are really wonky.
    And my reason to not reinstall has been fulfilled. Sieges were always my favourite part of battles and this is still awful. Calling it `wonky` is a polite way to avoid the obvious, "It`s awful."

    I still want my money back, CA.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Is it TIME to REPLAY the game?

    Quote Originally Posted by Humble Warrior View Post
    And my reason to not reinstall has been fulfilled. Sieges were always my favourite part of battles and this is still awful. Calling it `wonky` is a polite way to avoid the obvious, "It`s awful."

    I still want my money back, CA.
    It is a lot of fun now but sometimes certain things dont make sense. I was in a siege battle against Rome as the Etruscan League and somehow 7 Princepes on the wall were able to hold off 3 full units of Italian Swordsmen. How is this possible? Time ran out and I lost the battle so I had to auto resolve it. Also I couldnt target one of the defending unis that landed from the port and they couldnt target me. They just stood there doing nothing. As far as getting your money back, well you can say that till you're blue in the face, its not gonna happen. And while I sympathize with you, you waited a long time for that refund I am thinking. I had it reserved since the day they announced it and I was angry too. But I'm a realist and wanting something to happen doesnt mean it will. They've fixed most major issues. On the flip side for me I've always hated siege battles from M2TW onwards. RTW was the only TW game that I enjoyed fighting siege battles because it allowed me to lay my troops out EXACTLY how I wanted them too in defense. In M2TW I had a serious distaste for how you want to set your troops up and it simply would not allow you to do so exactly as you wanted. I am very particular about these things because one of my biggest goals is to also have as little casualties as possible. I've made an art out of winning battles with 0 losses against the AI, it's just something I love doing!

  16. #16

    Default Re: Is it TIME to REPLAY the game?

    I bought Emperor Edition for $14.99 when it was on sale once... (I wouldn't buy any game for $60) nearly done with first grand campaign as Arverni over 70-80 hours. All vanilla. It's totally worth it in my opinion, for what it is... a great game to have some fun with.

    For the next go around I'll add some mods, and I suspect I'll be playing this excellent historical setting game for months...

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