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Thread: Who's still playing?

  1. #161

    Default Re: Who's still playing?

    Recently i installed MTW but the game is on Russian.I see there is people who play this game yet,so can someone please send me the english language file?

    Sorry for my bad English.

  2. #162
    Indefinitely Banned
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    Default Re: Who's still playing?

    I couldn't find language file. if you tell the location and the name of that file I can send you.

  3. #163

    Default Re: Who's still playing?

    C:\Program Files\Medieval - Total War\Loc

    I think that it's in there.Becouse on my pc,there is a folder called Russian.Can you send me that?
    If i am wrong about the language,let someone correct me.

  4. #164
    Indefinitely Banned
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    Default Re: Who's still playing?

    here you can download

  5. #165

    Default Re: Who's still playing?

    Thanks mate,but it can't work.Now,when i try to start there is a don't send message.

  6. #166
    Trobalov's Avatar Greek Pride
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    Default Re: Who's still playing?

    I'm still playing and it is still kicking! Best TW title of the series even after trying almost all of them from Shogun 1 and onwards.

    Life is like Chess, once you make a move you can't take it back.

  7. #167

    Default Re: Who's still playing?

    To those of you who managed to wide screen, could you please let me know how? I don't know my way around the MTW directory
    My A-list of mods to play
    Lord of the Rings total war
    Thera Legacy of the Great Torment
    End of Days and its sequel
    Third Age total war, similar to Lord of the rings total war
    Call of Warhammer
    Bringing the light of God(Canadian) Emperor to the fringes of TWC

  8. #168
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    Default Re: Who's still playing?

    I would like to at some point. For some reason I have recently got back into TW, and was amazed to discover that my new (non-gaming) laptop can actually play MTW 2. So I played it for a bit, and I also enjoyed it too.

    However I soon reached a point where, playing as Sicily, that I was essentially "made", i.e. my kingdom was large enough such that I could easily produce enough troops to fend off and destroy other nations, and I could easily absorb any initial loss of provinces and quickly retake them. I haven't returned to it since as it's inevitable that I will soon end up at war with my new neighbours, which will require me to produce more stacks, and I'll steam roll them. In the initial stages there was quite a strong chance than things wouldn't go my way, e.g. the Moors would successfully defend North Africa or another Italian faction would give me serious trouble on the peninsula, but now I'm big and I'm safe.

    With the original MTW there was always a sense that a civil war could rip your empire in half at any time. You constantly had to worry about your general's loyalties.

    The chessboard style campaign map was also much easier for the AI to handle, and also resulted in more decisive battles. In MTW 2 I always end up in a situation where I have many stacks and so does the next largest empire. We clash and after a lot of battles containing full stacks, it's a siege-fest and eventually I win. It's very easy to pick off the AI armies one by one, but the chessboard style map doesn't allow that as all opposing armies in a province either fight or retreat. Hence battles are more decisive, and the BAI was also generally better then too.

    There are some things better about the new TW games. For example, the enhanced diplomacy, an area I think that MTW lacks compared to modern titles, but then at least it has an AI which can effectively use it. Graphics too.

    Overall I would love an amalgamation of the two styles. A chessboard style campaign map, but with the enhanced diplomacy available in modern titles.
    Under the patronage of Rhah and brother of eventhorizen.

  9. #169
    ImperialAquila's Avatar Domesticus
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    Default Re: Who's still playing?


    Completely agree with you bro.

    Though I'm psyched about the release of a new title in the Total War Series, nothing beats these games. Truly wonderful classics that still have a place on my shelf. The game mechanics in itself is, in my opinion, the best in the series. There's virtue in simplicity. I always devote 2 hours worth of gameplay at least (My French campaign is still going strong even after all these years) before moving on to my other saves in RTW, M2TW, and so on.

  10. #170

    Default Re: Who's still playing?

    I'm new to Medieval 1 and it's pretty fun. Even though I still play newer Total wars I usually play this once in an while for some simple fun with an ai that actually fights back.

  11. #171
    LordInvictus's Avatar Semisalis
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    Default Re: Who's still playing?

    Recently bought Medieval and started a new canpaign. The battles were a bit strange at first, but after some modding, am having lots of fun.

  12. #172

    Default Re: Who's still playing?

    Yeah, it's only the controls that put me off a little but other than that it's quite fun.

  13. #173

    Default Re: Who's still playing?

    Still playing. Just started an Aragon campaign yesterday.

    I've been playing a good amount of Shogun 2 the last several days, as I *finally* have a PC that can run it (yay!). I'm enjoying it so far, but it also put me in the mood to fire up MTW/VI again.

    Having played MTW for a few hours yesterday, I think I have to admit I still like it better than Shogun 2.

    True, the latter's AI is actually pretty impressive (it may very well be the best in the series to date -- yes, even more so than in STW & MTW). It also has a host of gameplay improvements (especially with regards to UI), and the voice-acting, artwork, and the music (Jeff recycled some of the pieces from the original STW, which I appreciate) are generally well-done. I don't think I'm ever really going to care for the 3D campaign map, but the battle maps look very good, units aren't horribly unbalanced (at least that I've noticed), and terrain matters again (unlike in RTW -- argh!). All in all, this is almost certainly CA's best game in the last decade.

    Despite all that, however, Shogun 2 just doesn't...grab me the way the first two games do. I find it doesn't quite have the same level of atmosphere, of immersion, that MTW/VI and the original Shogun do. When I play STW, I really *feel* like I'm a daimyo leading my clan in a struggle for supremacy; when I play MTW/VI, I truly *feel* like a king/duke/caliph/etc. working to lead my people to preeminence. When I play either of those two, I really get sunk into the world, and almost forget I'm playing a game. I think it's some combination of the those two titles' soundtracks, voice-acting, and parchment-style artwork (including the Risk-type campaign map) that makes a difference; it gives the aesthete in me a big metaphorical stiffy.

    In contrast, Shogun 2 feels (ironically) a little more abstract, and sort of like an intellectual exercise. Now that can be enjoyable in its own right too, and as I said earlier, I am having fun playing it. I just don't get the same level of immersion from it, however.

    I don't know; we'll see. I'm still early into my experience playing the game, so it's entirely possible I'll change my mind later on and declare Shogun 2 to be the proverbial "bees' knees" after all. At least for the time being, though, MTW/VI and STW retains their places on my personal "all time greats" list when it comes to PC games.
    "Evil is easy, and has infinite forms." - Pascal

  14. #174
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    Default Re: Who's still playing?

    I actually started playing MTW after I played RTW and M2TW. I enjoyed hours and hours especially with the Welsh in the VI campaign. I've recently went back playing it and found out about some mods (Pike and Musket!!!!!!!!!!) and fell in love with it again.

  15. #175

    Default Re: Who's still playing?

    still playing - with the samurai warlords mod naturally

  16. #176

    Default Re: Who's still playing?

    No longer playing TW... it has to end sometime I suppose after more than a decade. To those still playing: keep those enemy kings fleeing upon their spavined nags...
    Quote Originally Posted by barocca View Post
    still playing - with the samurai warlords mod naturally
    Been a long time, you were missed at the dot org.

  17. #177

    Default Re: Who's still playing?

    Still playing, I just discovered the game along with these forums yesterday. I immediately downloaded Stainless Steel 6.4 and started a campaign with the Moors. It's very challenging so far and I'm having a great time fighting off the Spanish Reconquista.

  18. #178

    Default Re: Who's still playing?

    Quote Originally Posted by ImperialAquila View Post

    Completely agree with you bro.

    Though I'm psyched about the release of a new title in the Total War Series, nothing beats these games. Truly wonderful classics that still have a place on my shelf. The game mechanics in itself is, in my opinion, the best in the series. There's virtue in simplicity. I always devote 2 hours worth of gameplay at least (My French campaign is still going strong even after all these years) before moving on to my other saves in RTW, M2TW, and so on.
    And I agree with both of you. The atmosphere of this game was amazing.

    The risk style campaign map made this game so intriguing. You always had to wait for the right moment to invade another territory, since you know that other factions stood with their stacks in the neighbouring territory and would often exploit the situation. Also, you couldn't defend provinces so easily by recruiting some militias and slaughter them in the endless siege battles. And losing your province really hurt because many expensive buildings got destroyed.

    The only things I miss from the newer games are the diplomacy options and the possibility to field multiple stacks at the same time.

  19. #179
    Basileos Leandros I's Avatar Writing is an art
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    Default Re: Who's still playing?

    Very hard to beat STW and especially MTW at atmosphere. The feeling when the music was playing and you were planning out your campaigns on the chess-style map, great stuff!
    Ja mata, TosaInu. Forever remembered.

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  20. #180
    Basileos Leandros I's Avatar Writing is an art
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    Default Re: Who's still playing?

    Still playing MTW.

    Once in a while, but still playing, because it's a wonderful game. Add BKB/XL/Redux and you're set.
    Ja mata, TosaInu. Forever remembered.

    Total War Org -

    Swords Made of Letters - 1938. The war is looming over France - and Alexandre Reythier does not have much time left to protect his country. A finished novel, published on TWC.

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