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Thread: SyndieWeeb's Submod Compilation for SSHIP 0.9.8.

  1. #1

    Default SyndieWeeb's Submod Compilation for SSHIP 0.9.8.

    This is my personal take on the excellent SSHIP mod version 0.98. Thanks to the original modders for their amazing work!

    It includes the following features, which can be picked and chosen from according to preference:

    English Faction names:
    A modded text file that changes the faction names back into English format, instead of the mixture of latin and native titles, as this seemed to turn some of the more casual players off from the mod.
    Installation: Replace the expanded.txt file in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War\mods\SSHIP_098\data\text with the file from the google drive.

    4 turns per year script:
    Exactly what it says on the tin. Converted from Lin117's mod for the original SS 6.4. Unlike the other submods listed here, this one only works if you start a new campaign, although it doesn't seem to break old campaign saves, it just won't apply the changes to them.
    Installation: Replace the campaign_script and descr_strat files in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War\mods\SSHIP_098\data\world\maps\campaign\imperial_campaign with the file from the google drive.

    More ammo for archers:
    I've given more ammunition to archers across the board (minimum 40 arrows per archer, even more for some elite units) as SSHIP still uses the fast volley fire reload animation from SS 6.4 for most of it's archers, hasn't increased their ammunition, but has the increased armour and morale across the board for the units they're shooting at, making archers of limited use in a lot of instances. This tries to balance that out. Some archers have seen a slight upkeep increase as a result of the logistical implications of keeping archers supplied with this increased number of arrows. There are currently three instances of the export_descr_unit file in the SSHIP 98 mod folder, and I don't know which file the mod uses for what, so I've replaced all three with this new file and the game runs smoothly
    Installation: Replace the export_descr_unit file in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War\mods\SSHIP_098\data\ and in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War\mods\SSHIP_098\data XII\data and finally in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War\mods\SSHIP_098\data XIII\data with the file from the google drive.

    Early longbows:
    Although the historicity of this change can obviously be debated, I have decided to give England an early longbow unit from the heavy mail event and onwards, to simulate the sources describing Welsh elm longbows from as early as 1188. These units have no stakes and have slightly less range and damage than their high and late era counterparts. Use them if you like. The rebels still get them if you don't which annoyed me, so there you go.
    On a similar note England in SSHIP 98 doesn't get the later longbows until the transitional armour event, which likewise annoyed me, so I changed it back to the English archers event, which only happens a decade or so earlier so hardly gamebreaking, just a preference thing if I say so myself.
    Installation: Replace the descr_events file in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War\mods\SSHIP_098\data\ with the file from the google drive.
    Note: The stakes change is made in the export_descr_unit file in the more ammo for archers header, so if you want both changes get both, otherwise the early longbows will still have stakes and only 30 arrows, although you could play around with this yourself I suppose.

    Download link:

    Stuff I'd like to do, but don't know how yet (please help, oh mighty modding hivemind!):

    Add the Yeoman Archers animation to the rest of the archers in SSHIP:

    If you haven't seen it yet go load up a custom battle and check it out right this instance! the english yeoman archers actually pull the strings and have an arrow in the knock during aiming! It's amazing! I don't know who did this, but you're the man! +1 rep my dude! I don't myself know how to mod animations, but if someone wants to show me a quick rundown of how to replicate it once, I will make it so for every single archer in SSHIP! Even find a way to vary it so it still works with the faster volley fire animation some archers have retained from SS 6.4.

    Replace textures and models in general:

    I'd like to be able to switch to the OG SS 6.4 general and captain models once a given campaign reaches a certain year, and maybe even the vanilla ones if the campaign REALLY drags on. The current general and captain models are excellent for anno 1100-1200, but once you reach the high and late middle ages a saxon swordsman with a kite-shield leading your landsknechts or longbowmen or musketeers gets a bit weird. since changing many of the other files in SSHIP doesn't seem to break ongoing campaigns and most changes seem to be applied to ongoing campaigns as well as new ones, I'd like to find out how to change these safely so I can experiment with if it is also possible to change this stuff mid-campaign for ultimate immersion If anyone knows how to do this and has the time to explain, I would very much appreciate it!

    Replace Faction Banners:

    Similarly, I'd like to be able to replace faction banners as the campaign develops. I now know how to for example rename the county of portugal to the kingdom of portugal mid-campaign, but i'd like to be able to also replace their flags, and down the line maybe even write a script that does this automatically given certain conditions of expansion are met.
    If you can help me do either, you da man!

    Needless to say if you simply know of a thread where any of these things have already been discussed then pointing me in that direction is equally appreciated.

    Feedback is of course welcome, and if I made a typo or forgot a line somewhere you're very welcome to let me know as well, cheers folks!

  2. #2

    Default Re: SyndieWeeb's Submod Compilation for SSHIP 0.9.8.

    Quote Originally Posted by SyndieWeeb View Post

    Early longbows:
    Although the historicity of this change can obviously be debated, I have decided to give England an early longbow unit from the heavy mail event and onwards, to simulate the sources describing Welsh elm longbows from as early as 1188. These units have no stakes and have slightly less range and damage than their high and late era counterparts. Use them if you like. The rebels still get them if you don't which annoyed me, so there you go.
    On a similar note England in SSHIP 98 doesn't get the later longbows until the transitional armour event, which likewise annoyed me, so I changed it back to the English archers event, which only happens a decade or so earlier so hardly gamebreaking, just a preference thing if I say so myself.
    Installation: Replace the descr_events file in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War\mods\SSHIP_098\data\ with the file from the google drive.
    Note: The stakes change is made in the export_descr_unit file in the more ammo for archers header, so if you want both changes get both, otherwise the early longbows will still have stakes and only 30 arrows, although you could play around with this yourself I suppose.
    I made a mistake, it should say replace the export_descr_buildings file in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War\mods\SSHIP_098\data\ with the file from the google drive. Replacing the descr_events will only add tiny tweaks to when events happen, not affect what units they unlock. sorry.

    I'll be uploading a lets play on youtube tomorrow to document the experience. Let me know if posting a link to that here is somehow inappropriate and I will ofc refrain from doing that if such is the case.

  3. #3
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Oct 2012

    Default Re: SyndieWeeb's Submod Compilation for SSHIP 0.9.8.

    Your posts here are much welcomed! It's great you've done this submod compilations!
    Mod leader of the SSHIP: traits, ancillaries, scripts, buildings, geography, economy.
    If you want to play a historical mod in the medieval setting the best are:
    Stainless Steel Historical Improvement Project and Broken Crescent.
    Recently, Tsardoms and TGC look also very good. Read my opinions on the other mods here.
    Reviews of the mods (all made in 2018): SSHIP, Wrath of the Norsemen, Broken Crescent.
    Follow home rules for playing a game without exploiting the M2TW engine deficiencies.
    Hints for Medieval 2 moders: forts, merchants, AT-NGB bug, trade fleets.
    Thrones of Britannia: review, opinion on the battles, ideas for modding. Shieldwall is promising!
    Dominant strategy in Rome2, Attila, ToB and Troy: “Sniping groups of armies”. Still there, alas!

  4. #4

    Default Re: SyndieWeeb's Submod Compilation for SSHIP 0.9.8.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jurand of Cracow View Post
    Your posts here are much welcomed! It's great you've done this submod compilations!
    Thank you Sir!

    Edit: Had to remove the 4tpy files, they don't work. If anyone has advice on making a working version, please let me know, but it seems a direct carry over from the SS 6.4 version is not possible with my limited skills.

  5. #5

    Default Re: SyndieWeeb's Submod Compilation for SSHIP 0.9.8.

    It's really weird, I can get the 12tpy mod to work with both SSHIP and SS 6.4, but not the 4tpy version. The characters won't age with the 4tpy version. Has anyone else had this issue?

    The working version (12tpy) looks like this:

    ;=================== 12TPY AGEING SCRIPT BY LIN117 ======================

    declare_counter month
    set_counter month 1 ;set to January

    monitor_event PreFactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal ; set the season for each month
    if I_CompareCounter month == 1 ;January
    console_command season winter

    if I_CompareCounter month == 2 ;February
    console_command season winter

    if I_CompareCounter month == 3 ;March
    console_command season winter

    if I_CompareCounter month == 4 ;April
    console_command season summer

    if I_CompareCounter month == 5 ;May
    console_command season summer

    if I_CompareCounter month == 6 ;June
    console_command season summer

    if I_CompareCounter month == 7 ;July
    console_command season summer

    if I_CompareCounter month == 8 ;August
    console_command season summer

    if I_CompareCounter month == 9 ;September
    console_command season summer

    if I_CompareCounter month == 10 ;October
    console_command season summer

    if I_CompareCounter month == 11 ;November
    console_command season winter

    if I_CompareCounter month == 12 ;December
    console_command season winter

    inc_counter month 1 ;advance the month
    if I_CompareCounter month == 13 ;start a new year
    set_counter month 1

    monitor_event FactionTurnEnd FactionType slave
    and I_CompareCounter month < 12
    console_command season summer

    just drop that into campaign_script and change the timescale in descr_strat to 0.835 and everything runs smooth, but drop

    ;=================== 12TPY AGEING SCRIPT BY LIN117 ======================

    declare_counter season
    set_counter season 1 ;set to Spring

    monitor_event PreFactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal ; set the season for each season
    if I_CompareCounter season == 1 ;Spring
    console_command season summer

    if I_CompareCounter season == 2 ;Summer
    console_command season summer

    if I_CompareCounter season == 3 ;Autumn
    console_command season summer

    if I_CompareCounter season == 4 ;Winter
    console_command season winter

    inc_counter season 1 ;advance the season
    if I_CompareCounter season == 5 ;start a new year
    set_counter season 1

    monitor_event FactionTurnEnd FactionType slave
    and I_CompareCounter season < 4
    console_command season summer

    and characters stop ageing entirely... I've been staring at it all day and I don't understand why one works and one doesn't. What am I missing folks?

  6. #6

    Default Re: SyndieWeeb's Submod Compilation for SSHIP 0.9.8.

    Hi folks, got the 4tpy mod working, files are in the google drive. credit to GrnEyedDvl for the original files, I just copied their script into the campaign_script and changed start year to winter in descr_strat and it works now.

    Will hopefully have the first episode of the playthrough ready by evening (+1 UTC time).

  7. #7
    MRENGLISHRULES's Avatar Tiro
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    Default Re: SyndieWeeb's Submod Compilation for SSHIP 0.9.8.

    Fantastic job. Could you perhaps also make artillery more easily accessable? Currently there is no way to access them at the start.

  8. #8
    kostic's Avatar Domesticus
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    Near Lyon in France

    Default Re: SyndieWeeb's Submod Compilation for SSHIP 0.9.8.

    @Sindyweeb: Thank you for these mods which can be attractive to the community !

    1- I hadn't seen the "Yeoman archers" and they have indeed kept the brilliant animation that a good part of the archers had with the first version of SSHIP (Version 092 I think).
    I had to redo a good part of the archers and change their animation with that of vanilla because of a bug which makes battles unplayable when an archer meets a swordsman. See here.(Phenomenon visible at 2 minutes and 35 seconds of the video)

    2- The replacement of generals and officers for more recent periods is planned !
    For the moment I have not found any other solution than to create an alternative data folder in which I will put different models with the same name to overwrite the models to be replaced. There is already a dataXII folder and a dataXIII folder for this purpose, although the work has only just begun.

    3- Playing in 4 rounds per year would be awesome ! Is it 4 seasons or 2 winters then 2 summers ?
    How do construction or recruitment times behave ? Are they doubled ?
    Do historical events come at the right time ?
    Is the age of the characters consistent with 4 rounds ?
    Last edited by kostic; November 21, 2023 at 09:28 AM.

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