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Thread: Medieval Total War - Redux (Beta)

  1. #681

    Default Re: Medieval Total War - Redux (Beta)

    Happy New year guys.
    Glad to see some recent discussions here.
    "Its a GUNDAM!"
    "Nope. This is Polish Winged Cavalry."

  2. #682

    Default Re: Medieval Total War - Redux (Beta)

    Quote Originally Posted by Welder View Post
    I played Rome and Medieval 2
    What are your impressions?

  3. #683
    Axalon's Avatar She-Hulk wills it!
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    Default Re: Medieval Total War - Redux (Beta)

    Yeah, a happy New Year folks! And thanks for posting guys...


    Alright, I have now played the seemingly doomed CyprianHRE-götterdämmerung”-scenario and it turns out that I could turn it around and win the damn thing - escaping the expected defeat. This after a horde of battles - plenty of tough ones - and I even lost a few too. I did restructure the army to suit my play-style, created tons of troops and killed hordes of rebels. I had to build stability tech over and over and constantly ran out of cash the first 50 turns or so. I honored every alliance that was initially preset in this campaign/scenario. It was tough and soon most of them (factions) were in my way (eventually it all fell apart as Hungary finally attacked me)... Initially the rebels were swimming in florins due to some sort of a loop-hole in the RX-designs I had not foreseen. I have too fix that in future releases...

    Anyways, one of the first things I decided to do here was to kill ALL rebel Norse infantry-units and any territories spawning them - as those really slaughtered my troops in ways that was unsustainable. Eventually all such armies and provinces was destroyed (Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Novgorod) - and after that had happened - it was significantly easier to defend the HRE. Later on I even had to kill one of my Kaisers as he had received too much stability-penalties by killing/executing rebels – the prince of terror-vice - for it to be sustainable. So, I had to kill him for the good of the empire. I also leveled up most spies to make them the more effective (securing stability) – and I really needed that. I also did a few crusades to get some more piety and loyalty going for the Kaiser. Burgundy, Hungary, Lithuania and Papacy all re-emerged at various points - I even had to wait before I could kill some of them again (especially Lithuania and Papacy). The Papacy really tied up plenty of units (and that for a long time)…

    Somewhat surprising to me I got this message earlier then I was expecting – 97 turns in… As I started AD 1043.

    On general terms, I have to say that playing at large/max size settings is extremely annoying to me – building troops on that setting is slooow and I do prefer the smaller default units in battles too. Anyways, long story short - I could win this campaign – and I needed 97 turns to make it all happen. However, it was no cakewalk….

    - A

  4. #684
    Axalon's Avatar She-Hulk wills it!
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    Default Re: Medieval Total War - Redux (Beta)

    Quote Originally Posted by ngarry243 View Post
    What are your impressions?
    I have no idea what Welder's impressions are on those two games - but I can say what songbird Mariah Carey thinks of MTW2….

    Jokes aside (and on general terms), this thread is overtly dedicated to Redux-related stuff - if you (and others) want to
    discuss something else (for whatever reason) - then by all means create another thread dedicated for that, or use an
    existing and corresponding one to the topic you have in mind. Both RTW and MTW2 already have their own dedicated
    sections, so any related things about them goes there, I imagine. Regardless, this section deals in MTW1, and this
    thread deals in things related to Redux and little else. Please have the courtesy to respect that at all times...


    Anything else (Redux-related), fire/post away folks.

    - A
    Last edited by Axalon; January 10, 2023 at 07:53 AM. Reason: update...

  5. #685

    Default Re: Medieval Total War - Redux (Beta)

    Quote Originally Posted by Axalon View Post
    Alright, I have now played the seemingly doomed CyprianHRE-götterdämmerung”-scenario and it turns out that I could turn it around and win the damn thing - escaping the expected defeat.
    Colour me impressed! No cakewalk indeed.
    This after a horde of battles - plenty of tough ones - and I even lost a few too. I did restructure the army to suit my play-style, created tons of troops and killed hordes of rebels. I had to build stability tech over and over and constantly ran out of cash the first 50 turns or so.
    I truly think that the rebels (and overall province stability) are the single biggest challenge in this version of Redux. As you probably noted, I had a lot of stability buildings already constructed in my homelands and was still having to keep large garrisons in some of them to avoid rebellion. As Welder pointed out, there are ways of making provinces less likely to rebel constantly, and this might be worth looking into for future versions. For example, Silesia is quite an annoying place--despite having tons of stability boosts, and having Catholicism at 100% -- they are always on the verge of rebellion.
    I honored every alliance that was initially preset in this campaign/scenario. It was tough and soon most of them (factions) were in my way (eventually it all fell apart as Hungary finally attacked me)... Initially the rebels were swimming in florins due to some sort of a loop-hole in the RX-designs I had not foreseen. I have too fix that in future releases...
    I was playing on Veteran difficulty and totally expected the other factions to at least pose a threat. However, they were too busy getting overrun by rebels the whole time. In past versions of Redux, the Norse have been a force to be reckoned with, yet they were completely passive the whole time--not even mopping up the rebels in adjoining provinces. I at least expected them to attack Saxony, which they never did.
    Again, in my opinion, rebels are just too powerful here.
    Anyways, one of the first things I decided to do here was to kill ALL rebel Norse infantry-units and any territories spawning them - as those really slaughtered my troops in ways that was unsustainable. Eventually all such armies and provinces was destroyed (Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Novgorod) - and after that had happened - it was significantly easier to defend the HRE.
    Yes! Those guys are a total nightmare. I don't remember them being in previous versions (usually it's the Norse axe-men that one has to worry about). I wonder if the rebels having so much cash made it possible to spam them? I'm not saying they should be nerfed, but maybe their recruitment cost could be increased? That said, I noticed a lot of them being spawned in rebellions, as well. I remember having to fight hordes and hordes of heathen spearmen in previous versions of Redux, but these guys are on a whole new level!
    Later on I even had to kill one of my Kaisers as he had received too much stability-penalties by killing/executing rebels – the prince of terror-vice - for it to be sustainable. So, I had to kill him for the good of the empire.
    See, I wasn't aware of all the negative stability effects from executing prisoners. I usually only execute prisoners in my campaigns, because otherwise I feel like I'm fighting endless rebellions. Good to know.
    I also leveled up most spies to make them the more effective (securing stability) – and I really needed that.
    By "levelling up" the spies you mean building higher-tier brothels, taverns, etc.? My HRE homelands, I'm pretty sure, were already producing the best spies possible. Or am I mistaken?
    I also did a few crusades to get some more piety and loyalty going for the Kaiser.
    Usually crusades are my bread and butter in this game, but I was finding it hard to get them off the ground here. First of all, one needs a ton of investment in provincial infrastructure (not available before a citadel?), making early crusades an impossibility. I would appreciate being able to access crusades a bit sooner, but that's my personal preference.
    Somewhat surprising to me I got this message earlier then I was expecting – 97 turns in… As I started AD 1043.
    And looking at your strategy map, the rebels still control the vast majority of the world. I wonder if you got the message so early because the other factions had just run out of steam?
    On general terms, I have to say that playing at large/max size settings is extremely annoying to me – building troops on that setting is slooow and I do prefer the smaller default units in battles too.
    Agreed. For my next campaign, I plan to switch back to the smaller unit sizes. For some reason, my settings default to the larger units...making some of Redux's "mini units" such as Feudal Champions a waste of time to recruit.
    Anyways, long story short - I could win this campaign – and I needed 97 turns to make it all happen. However, it was no cakewalk….
    Well, you're a better man that I. Congrats on your win!

  6. #686

    Default Re: Medieval Total War - Redux (Beta)

    I wish everyone happiness in 2021, especially Axalon.

    Quote Originally Posted by ngarry243 View Post
    What are your impressions?
    Of course, these games have new features, the graphics have become much better, the battles are more realistic, etc., but still I missed the atmosphere of MTW, maybe I will return to MTW 2 someday and make a new impression, after all, I played 15 years ago )=.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyprian2 View Post
    I truly think that the rebels (and overall province stability) are the single biggest challenge in this version of Redux.
    Lowering the loyalty of the population is certainly a very effective way to hinder the expansion of the player. Yes, the attribute set individually for each province changes the "natural" loyalty of the population,if you specify a value < 0, you get + 20% for each 1 , if > 0 then -20% for each 1, by the way, Axalon specified this in the file with the data of the provinces. Thus, for the same Silesia in the vanilla version, the value was set to 0, and in Redux the value was set to 3, that is, the loyalty of the population is lower by 60% with equal conditions. Of course, there are more buildings in Reduxe that increase the loyalty of the population. You can also change the values for any provinces these files are located in campmap/ startpos. By the way, the vanilla version also has "defiant" provinces, for example, LITHUANIA(value = 3), LIVONIA(4) and PORTUGAL(4).

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyprian2 View Post
    Of course, the rebels control many coastal regions, so they will always be able to out-produce the player and lead massive sea invasions. It makes for some exciting gameplay, but I don't think the balance is quite right if the only enemy worth fighting is the rebels. That said, I've been playing on Veteran, so I wonder if it would be different on a lower difficulty setting?
    Cyprian2, incidentally, the level of difficulty of the game really affects the level of loyalty of the population. It works only for the player, for AI factions it does not matter. At the level of EASY you get + 50% to the loyalty of the population, on
    NORMAL + 0%, on HARD and EXPERT you can get a fine the value of which depends on the size of your income and the number of provinces you own. If your faction has the largest income (namely income, not net profit, rebels are not counted) or your income is > 50% of the income of the faction with the highest income then you get a penalty, the theoretical limit is approximately -50% to the loyalty of the population. You can also get an additional penalty (-5%) if your army has the largest number of soldiers. When starting or loading a campaign, the result will be incorrect until you make the first move. If you disabled the AI in debug mode, the result will also be incorrect.
    For example, if you play for the Byzantines and have a maximum income
    and 12 provinces, then at the HARD level its penalty will be equal to
    (40 + 20 + 12) / 4 = 18% , at the EXPERT level = (60 + 20 + 12) / 4 = 23%.
    Let's say you play for the Egyptians and you have an income of 2000 and 6 provinces, and the Byzantines have the most income = 3000.
    In this case, you will receive a penalty at the
    HARD level = (2000 * 100 / 3000 * 2 - 100) * (40 + 6) / 100 / 4 = 3%,
    at the EXPERT level = (2000 * 100 / 3000 * 2 - 100) * (60 + 6) /100 / 4 = 5%.

  7. #687
    Axalon's Avatar She-Hulk wills it!
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    Default Re: Medieval Total War - Redux (Beta)

    Quote Originally Posted by Welder View Post
    ... incidentally, the level of difficulty of the game really affects the level of loyalty of the population. It works only for the player, for AI factions it does not matter. At the level of EASY you get + 50% to the loyalty of the population, on NORMAL + 0%, on HARD and EXPERT you can get a fine the value of which depends on the size of your income and the number of provinces you own. If your faction has the largest income (namely income, not net profit, rebels are not counted) or your income is > 50% of the income of the faction with the highest income then you get a penalty, the theoretical limit is approximately -50% to the loyalty of the population. You can also get an additional penalty (-5%) if your army has the largest number of soldiers. When starting or loading a campaign, the result will be incorrect until you make the first move. If you disabled the AI in debug mode, the result will also be incorrect.

    For example, if you play for the Byzantines and have a maximum income and 12 provinces, then at the HARD level its penalty will be equal to (40 + 20 + 12) / 4 = 18% , at the EXPERT level = (60 + 20 + 12) / 4 = 23%. Let's say you play for the Egyptians and you have an income of 2000 and 6 provinces, and the Byzantines have the most income = 3000. In this case, you will receive a penalty at the HARD level = (2000 * 100 / 3000 * 2 - 100) * (40 + 6) / 100 / 4 = 3%, at the EXPERT level = (2000 * 100 / 3000 * 2 - 100) * (60 + 6) /100 / 4 = 5%.
    Welder, this is some really interesting information but I can’t for the life of me figure out where you found it?!? And thus be able to confirm it all before I would potentially pass it on to others who might be also interested in all this yummy stuff. So, I’m wondering here - where did you find this highly interesting info - and where (and how) can I access it?

    - A

  8. #688
    Axalon's Avatar She-Hulk wills it!
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    Default Re: Medieval Total War - Redux (Beta)

    5000+ Downloads!

    Folks, over the weekend the RXB1007 reached the 5000 DL-marker - and today it stands at 5015 DL's as I write this. Whenever I load up these releases - I dare hope for some 500 DL’s perhaps - but everything above of that is just sheer bonus for me. I never expected that anything I released for Redux (or otherwise) would some day end up exceeding 5000 downloads. Naturally, I am very happy about all this. The RXB1007 have truly soldiered on for almost 5 years now – it isn’t perfect (as the 3 available hot-fixes will show), but there certainly are lots cool stuff in it to enjoy anyways. Some things can certainly be improved upon - and I will probably strive to do just that - once I get around working with of another release of the redux beta. I have no idea when that will be however…

    Let me just finish up by saying that “Castle Redux” (that’s the game) is still open for adventures and visits from you guys! Thanks to all you folks who played and supported MTW-Redux over the years. After all these years, redux is still around somehow! Who could have thought?!? Again, my thanks for supporting and playing this thing! 8)

    - A

  9. #689

    Default Re: Medieval Total War - Redux (Beta)

    Okay, then more detailed.

    A population loyalty penalty for the Player's provinces. The amount of the fine depends on the ratio of the Player's income and the AI of the factions and on the number of provinces owned by the Player. The Player can also receive an additional separate penalty for the biggest army.
    There is no penalty for the NORMAL level, for EASY + 50% loyalty therefore, we will continue to talk only about "HARD" and "EXPERT".

    1. The richest faction in the future will be understood as the faction with the highest income without taking into account expenses.
    2. Only those provinces that the Player owns before pressing the "End Year" button are taken into account. It doesn't matter who owns the castles in them.
    3. Income is also taken into account at the time of clicking the "End Year" button, but for the AI, they may change during thinking, for example, if the AI assigns a title. If the player wants to conduct an experiment, then for easier tracking of the result, it is desirable to choose one of some AI faction, make it the richest and fix this income with available funds. Then it will be possible to manage the income of the faction Player and capture provinces for calculation.
    4. There are no penalty for Rebels, they also do not they participate in the struggle for the right to be considered the richest faction and have the largest army.
    5. If the income or the number of armies are equal preference is given to those fractions that it is declared below in the start file of the campaign.
    6. The penalty is calculated anew after each move, but only if the AI is enabled(enabled and disabled in Debug mode by pressing "h" or "i"), otherwise it will remain the same. When you have started the game and have not made a single move, it will be equal to 12 % .

    So, the penalty is calculated as follows.
    "ValueLevel" - this will be the name of the value that is used in the calculation and = 40 for the HARD level and = 60 for the EXPERT level.The division is performed without a remainder.
    1) If the Player's faction is the richest, then the penalty is calculated as (ValueDiffLevel + 20 + Number of Player's provinces) / 4.
    For example, the Player owns 10 provinces. In this case, at the "HARD" level the penalty = (40 + 20 + 10) / 4 = 17 %, at the "EXPERT " level" = (60 + 20 + 10) / 4 = 22 %.
    2) If the Player's faction is not the richest, then :
    A) If the ratio of the Player's income to the richest faction(i.e. 100 * Player's Income / income of the richest fractions) <= 50 %, then the Player will not receive a penalty (except in the case of B). Otherwise, the penalty = (100 * Player's Income / income of the richest faction * 2 - 100) * (ValueDiffLevel + the number of Player's provinces) / 100 / 4. What happens if the richest fraction has an income of < 0 and the player too ? This can lead to an abnormal size a penalty (it is not difficult to calculate), but it does not matter because in practice this should never happen. For example, the richest faction of the Byzantines, has an income of = 4000. The player has an income = 3000 and 5 provinces in possession. Penalty for "HARD" = (100 * 3000 / 4000 * 2 - 100) * (40 + 5) / 100 / 4 = 5 %, at the "EXPERT" level = (100 * 3000 / 4000 * 2 - 100) * (60 + 5) / 100 / 4 = 8 %.
    B) If the income of the richest faction = 0(this should also never happen in a normal game). then the penalty will be equal to 100 * (the number of the Player's provinces + ValueDiffLevel) / 100 / 4.

    If the Player owns the largest army (the fleet is not taken into account), then receives an additional 5% penalty.

    Quote Originally Posted by Axalon View Post
    Welder, this is some really interesting information but I can’t for the life of me figure out where you found it?!? And thus be able to confirm it all before I would potentially pass it on to others who might be also interested in all this yummy stuff. So, I’m wondering here - where did you find this highly interesting info - and where (and how) can I access it

    This information was obtained with the help of "magic" - reverse engineering, but I can't offer you this way because it requires certain knowledge and time. You can verify the work of this game mechanics only with the help of an experiment - specially creating game situations using modding tools and using the debug mode to switch between factions to see their income and manage their actions to get the desired result. I believe that this will not be too difficult for you. I will try to gradually add new information about the game, but, of course, this should not be done in the Redux topic.)=

    Quote Originally Posted by Axalon View Post
    Folks, over the weekend the RXB1007 reached the 5000 DL-marker - and today it stands at 5015 DL's as I write this.
    I congratulate you on this achievement. I am grateful to you for your hard work and patience.. I want to believe that we will see new versions of Redux someday. It is possible that there were even more downloads if someone dragged your mod to another place and it is being downloaded from there too )=

  10. #690

    Default Re: Medieval Total War - Redux (Beta)

    Axalon, you as the greatest MTW modder, do you know how to fix the battle bug that happens in all MTW mods that I have?
    The battle bug is: not being able to controll your units in battle. The only thing you can make your units do is attack an enemy unit. No setting up in defensive battle, no directing units to certain spot.
    A year ago this was not the case with playing MTW.
    Might be something that Windows updates did.
    I can move units to a spot that I click on the the little map but not 3D map.

  11. #691
    Axalon's Avatar She-Hulk wills it!
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    Default Re: Medieval Total War - Redux (Beta)

    Hello Welder2,

    Thanks for your detailed description and explanation here. It certainly takes some determination and time to go down
    that route of testing, trial and error, and all that various backwards engineering. Interesting finds, all the same...


    Hello William,

    I can not provide any definitive answers (too little info) - but - I can offer some qualified and likely guesses on this note. That said, and assuming that you have not changed the MTW or various mod-files somehow - the most likely reasons here are either “GFX-updates/changes” (change of drivers, into newer ones) and/or “Windows Updates” (automatic ones) that somehow screw up the functionality of the game. MTW1 is old, and thus it uses old solutions/tech that is hardly supported (or in use) much any more. It has either been consciously or perhaps unknowingly omitted support/compatibility by Windows 10+/AMD/Nvidia (hardware and drivers). That is the most likely culprit here...

    Solution - use an older OS like Win7 or earlier ones on some extra/older PC should bypass your outlined problem altogether. Or “roll back” to whatever configuration you had about 1 year ago…

    - A

  12. #692

    Default Re: Medieval Total War - Redux (Beta)

    Probably happened after my latest Windows upgrade indeed.
    Thanks for your reply and suggestions.
    You're the greatest

  13. #693
    Axalon's Avatar She-Hulk wills it!
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    Default Re: Medieval Total War - Redux (Beta)

    15 years and counting

    Today, exactly 15 years ago I publicly released MTW-Redux for the very first time. That version was in retrospect pretty faithful to the original game and its designs. Much of that changed with the RXB1000 release in 2011. In that release the much of the foundations/framework for the “modern” Redux was introduced, and a significant departure from most CA-designs was initiated too. Over the years Redux certainly have changed plenty, and hopefully for the better in most regards – that has been the goal for sure. In 2023, the RXB1007 soldiers on and stands at some 6000+ downloads and though traffic and activity has decreased considerably from the heydays of 2008-2010 – people still download and play Redux it seems. I have more then once considered creating yet another release, but for various reasons it have been put on a backburner several times so far. So, it has yet to happen.

    Anyways, it certainly has been an interesting ride for me going public with this ‘ol MTW-project. Also, my thanks to all folks who helped out with Redux over these 15 years (be it bughunters or otherwise).

    - A

  14. #694
    Basileos Leandros I's Avatar Writing is an art
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    Default Re: Medieval Total War - Redux (Beta)

    Bit late to the party, but congratulations Axalon on all of the work you've done. MTW is a legendary game and your work is appreciated.
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