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Thread: Do you think there is still hope for the videogame franchise?

  1. #1

    Default Do you think there is still hope for the videogame franchise?

    As the title says: do you think there is still hope for DoW40k videogame series after the disastrous third installment?
    If yes: do you think they will make a prequel, a fourth chapter or a reboot of the entire saga?
    Finally: What would you think about a Dark Crusade Remaster?

  2. #2
    hellheaven1987's Avatar Comes Domesticorum
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    Default Re: Do you think there is still hope for the videogame franchise?

    May be, but who cares? Now the new best title is either Battlefleet Gothic Armada 2 or Deathwing (if you don't mind RP Ultramarines wearing Dark Angels armor), just like the new best Warhammer title is either Vermintide 2 or Warhammer TW.
    Quote Originally Posted by Markas View Post
    Hellheaven, sometimes you remind me of King Canute trying to hold back the tide, except without the winning parable.
    Quote Originally Posted by Diocle View Post
    Cameron is midway between Black Rage and .. European Union ..

  3. #3

    Default Re: Do you think there is still hope for the videogame franchise?

    Quote Originally Posted by hellheaven1987 View Post
    May be, but who cares? Now the new best title is either Battlefleet Gothic Armada 2 or Deathwing (if you don't mind RP Ultramarines wearing Dark Angels armor), just like the new best Warhammer title is either Vermintide 2 or Warhammer TW.
    As a Rts fan i do care about hypothetically see the Dawn of war saga ends like that, which would greatly upset me .
    I usually do like other WK40 or Warhammer games too but is not the same thing.
    Never been particularly interested in Battlefleet...on the other hand Deathwing...let's say im waiting to buy the complete edition .
    Was your experience with Deathwing good?

  4. #4
    hellheaven1987's Avatar Comes Domesticorum
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    Default Re: Do you think there is still hope for the videogame franchise?

    Quote Originally Posted by Zerg93 View Post
    As a Rts fan i do care about hypothetically see the Dawn of war saga ends like that
    Quote Originally Posted by Zerg93 View Post
    Never been particularly interested in Battlefleet...
    That does not make sense.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zerg93 View Post
    Was your experience with Deathwing good?
    No, MP is horrible due to bugs, but SP is decent. Wait until enhance edition.
    Quote Originally Posted by Markas View Post
    Hellheaven, sometimes you remind me of King Canute trying to hold back the tide, except without the winning parable.
    Quote Originally Posted by Diocle View Post
    Cameron is midway between Black Rage and .. European Union ..

  5. #5

    Default Re: Do you think there is still hope for the videogame franchise?

    Quote Originally Posted by hellheaven1987 View Post
    That does not make sense.

    No, MP is horrible due to bugs, but SP is decent. Wait until enhance edition.
    Well let's say i'm that kind of Rts fan who likes just land battles....
    I don't know why but i never found space battleships fights interesting.
    Thanks about the advice, i will wait for sure.
    Last edited by Zerg93; April 30, 2018 at 09:12 AM.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Do you think there is still hope for the videogame franchise?

    Maybe my title was a little bit confusing so i will clarify here for possible newcomers: I'm speaking about the Dawn of war saga from the first to the third installment and NOT about the WK40 franchise as a whole.

  7. #7
    Diocle's Avatar Comes Limitis
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    Default Re: Do you think there is still hope for the videogame franchise?

    I doubt they can still produce something not being a total crap. A prequel would be interesting. Dark Crusade was a great game, there are many awesome mods and I suggest everyone to get it, you should also get Soulstorm because all in all it was not so bad because Sisters and Dark Eldars are interesting factions.

    For me Battlefleet Gothic has been quite deluding under many respects (gameplay, graphics, and the fact that spaceships have no 3D movement in the space) Deathwing has an awesome graphics .. but sadly I'm not interested in FPSs so ..

  8. #8

    Default Re: Do you think there is still hope for the videogame franchise?

    Why not? Dawn of War sucks but Sanctus Reach (can't recommend this enough), Battlefleet Gothic and Space Hulk (the TBS) are good.

    If anything, it proves that low budget devs MIGHT do wonder with the 40K licenses.

    EDIT: Never mind, it's about Dawn of War.

    Maybe you should give the franchise to the Halo Wars team, or another RTS dev like Petroglyph?

  9. #9
    Sir Adrian's Avatar the Imperishable
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    Default Re: Do you think there is still hope for the videogame franchise?

    I just want to see a 40k kotor where you play as an inquisitorial agent
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  10. #10

    Default Re: Do you think there is still hope for the videogame franchise?

    Quote Originally Posted by REhorror View Post
    Why not? Dawn of War sucks but Sanctus Reach (can't recommend this enough), Battlefleet Gothic and Space Hulk (the TBS) are good.

    If anything, it proves that low budget devs MIGHT do wonder with the 40K licenses.

    EDIT: Never mind, it's about Dawn of War.

    Maybe you should give the franchise to the Halo Wars team, or another RTS dev like Petroglyph?
    Well, the thread is about Dawn of war but tips about other Warhammer-like games are always well accepted , i already played Space Hulk ascension and did enjoy it even with those "pesky" bugs...(yeah bugged missions which were impossible to beat i'm talking to you... ) but i have not played Sanctus Reach yet and i was really interested since its release, i'm definitely going to try it in the next days!

    Maybe you should give the franchise to the Halo Wars team, or another RTS dev like Petroglyph?
    Mhhh i don't know...i kinda enjoyed the first halo wars but since the second one was a Microsoft Store exclusive i skipped it...was it better than the first one?
    Regarding Petroglyph, i loved a lot Star wars empire at war but it seems that their last projects didn't do so their last game was released in 2011...
    Last edited by Zerg93; June 24, 2018 at 11:51 AM.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Do you think there is still hope for the videogame franchise?

    Quote Originally Posted by Settra View Post
    I just want to see a 40k kotor where you play as an inquisitorial agent
    Well, is not Kotor by any means, but you can play as an inquisitor with this one
    Reviews are mixed about this one though...

  12. #12

    Default Re: Do you think there is still hope for the videogame franchise?

    Personally, I don't think that DoW 3 deserved the backlash it got. Yes it wasn't a great game and fell somewhere short from achieving anything like the enjoyment, storyline or fun that either of the past 2 games (and all the expansions) did but I thought it was ok-ish. Real shame that they just decided to ditch it. Would love to see a remaster of Dark Crusade, have actually started playing it again and really enjoying it.

  13. #13
    Anna_Gein's Avatar Primicerius
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    Default Re: Do you think there is still hope for the videogame franchise?

    I hope something similar to the original DoW will be released again. I entered the Warhammer universe with Dark Crusade. What a slap it was. Beside the fluff the game offered a furious gameplay no other game achieved.

    DoW 2 offered something different and interesting. But the original titles had a raw fun gameplay rarely equaled. I often found myself ordering weak units to charge the enemy just for the sake of it. Crazy times.

    I am sure the fanbase is still there. The main problem is probably the big companies themselves. Sega went for the MOBA and GW seems happy with a single one big title (TW Warhammer) and a lot of small budget game.

  14. #14
    hessia78's Avatar Libertus
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    Default Re: Do you think there is still hope for the videogame franchise?

    I think Dawn of War 3 might have been at worst a forgettable game and at best an average first attempt at a RTS MOBA had they not titled it as a Dawn of War game instead made it as a seperate 40k IP. You could literally replace all the iconic characters that showed up in the previous Dawn of War games with generic one offs, for instance the staring space marine chapter instead of being the Blood Ravens you could either had an original made chapter, or a lesser known Astartes chapter from the pre-established lore of 40k or if you want to be lazy just make them the Ultra Smurfs and nobody would care.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Do you think there is still hope for the videogame franchise?

    Of course there is.
    I know im probably the only person on this planet with that particular view but i consider Soulstorm the best of the DOW games and i think they just need to ditch the attempts at making moba and make another Soulstorm - glorious free for all, true the spirit of WH40K with sandbox campaign, EVERY FACTION, huge roster of units for every faction, huge unit/hero limits etc. Of course minus the bugs and lack of balance. Maybe add some space battles ala Gothic and we are set.

    DOW players dont want plot, cutscenes etc they want WAR. The entire franchise revolves around it, stop trying to make those games into something that they are not.
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  16. #16
    Sanguinary Guardian's Avatar Primicerius
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    Default Re: Do you think there is still hope for the videogame franchise?

    I think the biggest hope is the BFG franchise. Space Hulk Tactics looks good, but way too limited in scope. BFG2 will have almost every race, even though it's set in the cluster-feth that is the Gathering Storm-8th Edition.
    The thing with the 2D movement is that 40K space combat doesn't work that way in the TT. The ships are supposed to be more like 18th-19th Century Ships of the Line (that had carnal relations with Triremes and Gothic Cathedrals) rather than actual spaceships. Hence they will always travel in the same plane and trade broadsides and boarding actions. So, actual 3D Homeworld-style combat is unrealistic to expect.

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  17. #17

    Default Re: Do you think there is still hope for the videogame franchise?

    I think Dawn of War 3 might have been at worst a forgettable game and at best an average first attempt at a RTS MOBA had they not titled it as a Dawn of War game instead made it as a seperate 40k IP
    Yeah i think that too, in this way they could have avoided the massive backlash from the Dow fanbase.
    Just like nowadays Blizzard could have avoided the massive backlash with Diablo Immortal if they did show something like 10 seconds of Diablo 4 footage and then presented Immortal like a spin-off rather than a canon Diablo game.
    Sometimes i really don't understand video game companies marketing choices...

    DOW players dont want plot, cutscenes etc they want WAR. The entire franchise revolves around it, stop trying to make those games into something that they are not.
    Preach!They can always expand the lore with other games and other media.
    Never got too much in Soulstorm since i was more attached to Dark Crusade but i really do like your thoughts on the franchise .

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