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Thread: Star Wars ruined by SJW crap thread - just for people like me who want to discuss the disaster!

  1. #41
    Mr_Nygren's Avatar Berserkir
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    Default Re: Star Wars ruined by SJW crap thread - just for people like me who want to discuss the disaster!

    Quote Originally Posted by Vladyvid View Post
    Ive seen Solo, but from illegal streaming and i know i dont wanna go and pay to see it, i would even say i woudnt go to see it if it was free, maybe only if somebody paid me to see it!

    In my opinion the movie is the worst of all disney SW movies. Jokes every few minutes make it feel like some B class action comedy. I was bored after half of the movie. Doesnt feel like a SW story for me at all. It should have been called SOLO: A Children Story. For real. I dont want to say more cause i dont want to spoil anything for people who are gonna watch it regardless, but personally after seeing it id say its nothing worth seeing. In my opinion it has NO SW VIBES AT ALL.

    Even all the origin bits of Han Solo and the Millenium Falcon are rushed and you dont really get to have a good throwback moment anywhere in the movie. Also, as much as the main actor tries to be similar to young Ford, i think even with young Ford this movie would be equally .

    So, i just didnt like it, it felt like watching some family movie pretending to have something to do with SW. Im glad i didnt pay for it.
    It's good to hear your opinion too because most people i've heard said it was okay, as in "a good movie" - but it's still plagued by SJW-ism and feminism. And believe me, i liked feminist characters like Leia and Padme - but not todays crapy female characters. I'll exaggerate later because i've watched a recent video on Youtube and decided to explain my view on blacks and women in Star Wars - and i really do NOT have anything against neither. Let's just say it's how they are portrayed that is the problem - not their gender or skin of color - their roles just suck.

    Yeah, i have to say i am not much into comedy in Star wars neither - like those animals in TLJ.. But i haven't watched Solo. I have watched all reviews etc though. And i am not impressed or surprised by the movie..

    To get Han Solo's origin right it needs to be based on the Expanded Universe, and also they do need to have a Harrison Ford-copy as the actor - and give him the same scenes and lines in a new setting as seen in the original trilogy. People do not want a completely different Han Solo with the same clothes, ships and name. - People want a young Han Solo who is just as rougish and masculine as Harrison Fords character - we loved the personality of Ford's Solo - not the name/brand. Without the same personality it's a failure. Like a woman said, he needed to be "more sexy as Harrison Fords Han Solo when he is young, not less of a sexy guy" - sexy in the eyes of women is all of that of which the feminist creators do not like.

    So not even the women liked it - because it wasn't Han Solo in the sexy manly sense of the word. And you're right - not only do they need a young Ford, but they need a great story and script - where he can be that man we saw in a younger format and not some lesser version. Like that woman said, he should be sexy as a young man, not less of a man.

    They are just trying to cash in on the name/brand of "Han Solo" but in fact are ruining his character by doing so - because they do not give him the personality of Han Solo as portrayed by Harrison Ford - and that's what everyone loves about the character, and not the name. Without the personality he could as well be a completely different guy with the same name and looks.
    Last edited by Mr_Nygren; June 09, 2018 at 03:04 AM.
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  2. #42
    Vladyvid's Avatar Wizard of Turmish
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    Well, you know, since ive seen that movie, i tried several times to justify for myself to see it again and i just couldnt do it. Id rather spend my time for something else, thats how i feel about Solo. Ofcourse some people may like it, but like i said, its just like any other sci-fi comedy family movie that doesnt really leave any impact on you, or on me to be exact. Its like a chewing gum that lasts for five minutes and the taste is not so great so you dont ever want to buy it again because why? Thats how i feel.

    Now, something positive. True or false, we will get to see. Here is a link with the rumour:

  3. #43
    Dismounted Feudal Knight's Avatar my horse for a unicode
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    Default Re: Star Wars ruined by SJW crap thread - just for people like me who want to discuss the disaster!

    Now, I'm no fan of the new movies (at all), but
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr_Nygren View Post
    Aliens should be cool or sexy, not goofy - but when Disney or women are the ones behind the decisions they'd end up childish and/or goofy.
    Meesa thinks you missed one fairly in-your-face prequel species...
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  4. #44
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    Default Re: Star Wars ruined by SJW crap thread - just for people like me who want to discuss the disaster!

    Quote Originally Posted by CommodusIV View Post
    Now, I'm no fan of the new movies (at all), butMeesa thinks you missed one fairly in-your-face prequel species...
    No, i did hate Jar Jar Binks a lot - but he was the only thing that annoyed me in the Prequels.
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  5. #45
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    Default Re: Star Wars ruined by SJW crap thread - just for people like me who want to discuss the disaster!

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr_Nygren View Post
    No, i did hate Jar Jar Binks a lot - but he was the only thing that annoyed me in the Prequels.
    Some of the flat acting and more conventional romance pushing wasn't exactly a highlight of brilliant showmanship either.

    Still, not as bad in my book as a number of original fans would call it. And I think those same fans would at least be tolerant of the prequels in light of what we now have for comparison. It's a product of the times and the modern movie industry; movies follow trends and basically follow modern influences, and the modern influences nowadays are pretty obvious.
    With great power, comes great chonky dragons to feed enemies of the state. --Targaryens?
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  6. #46
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    Default Re: Star Wars ruined by SJW crap thread - just for people like me who want to discuss the disaster!

    Quote Originally Posted by CommodusIV View Post
    Some of the flat acting and more conventional romance pushing wasn't exactly a highlight of brilliant showmanship either.

    Still, not as bad in my book as a number of original fans would call it. And I think those same fans would at least be tolerant of the prequels in light of what we now have for comparison. It's a product of the times and the modern movie industry; movies follow trends and basically follow modern influences, and the modern influences nowadays are pretty obvious.
    Hm, i was ten years old in 1999 when Star Wars: Episode 1: The Phantom Menace came out. So Jar Jar Binks became a problem first in my teenager years. Still - i disliked him and the childish ways of Episode 1 due to the older trilogy being way darker. And i kinda wanted the new movies to be like the old - as i had already watched them at a friends house, even though they were 15+ (later changed to 11+) in Swedish age restrictions.

    As for Jar Jar in the other episodes he was fine, because he almost never showed. And when he showed he was not as unserious. I've always liked the darker movies and the darker characters. You know what i liked as a six year old when i first saw the old trilogy? Darth Vader.. He was just such a bad-ass in that mask and when he breath it were so cool. So yes - i've always been a Vader-fan.

    As for the dialogue i did not mind it as a ten year old or as a teen - but when rewatching the movies as a grown up i actually thought some of the dialogue in "Attack of the Clones" were badly written. So you are right about that, but it were such a huge upgrade from Phantom Menace (Episode 1) that i actually loved Attack of the Clones in the cinema in 2002?

    Later, after comparing it with Revenge of the Sith (Episode 3) i actually think less of Attack of the Clones. Because Revenge of the Sith were so much better.

    Edit: And btw, i loved the romance between Anakin and Padme in Episode 2 - i thought Padme looked hot and Anakin/Vader were my favorite character so. - And the music playing made that scene good.
    Last edited by Mr_Nygren; June 09, 2018 at 09:54 AM.
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  7. #47
    Vladyvid's Avatar Wizard of Turmish
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    Im older than you Mr_Nygren but i enjoyed all of the prequels, although it goes without saying that Jar-Jar was a bad idea and the romance of Anakin with Padme was also like meh, with those famous lines of ridiculous dialogue about ... sand. It did irritate me (like sand ) in the Attack of the Clones when there were those trival Naboo love story scenes. But anyway, there was a lot of what i like to think was good stuff in there, i liked the whole plot about the clone army, how Kenobi investigated all that and followed Jango Fett and all the Fett-Kenobi scenes were great imho. We had great badass characters in each of the prequels; I: Qui-Gon, Maul; II: Kenobi, Anakin, Fett, Dooku; III: Anakin, Kenobi, Grievous etc and ofc the magnificent Chanceller/Emperor Palpatine.

    In the new trilogy we only get to have failures and the MaRey Sue who is a badass just because, because it doesnt take any effort to be a badass, you just have to 'awaken' LOL. Stupid Yoda was teaching the Jedi for 800 years for nothing, idiot grandmaster it seems, why learn when all it takes to master the force is to AWAKEN! That is ridiculous beyond my personal comprehension. I mean not just that ofc, Kylo Ren who is supposed to be a badass is a little boy trapped in a grown mans body, throwing childish tantrums and all that crap, and the super wise Joke, i mean Snoke was so mysterious and really interesting to develope that they killed him off just because, he outlived his usefullness or something. And then you have Ryan Johnson saying that his goal in making a film is that half of the people will love it and the other half will hate it - like anybody believes that.

    Now the Disney may just aswell announce that they are not making the SW movies for profit, cause they are going to lose profits for what Kennedy and her lackies are doing. I know its just a rumour that shes gonna go, but im already smiling because i believe that money talks and she will have to go sooner or later, cause a lot of people will not put up with all that . I know i certainly will not, so they are not getting any money from me until things change.

  8. #48

    Default Re: Star Wars ruined by SJW crap thread - just for people like me who want to discuss the disaster!

    The biggest thing I hate about the new SW movies is their stubbornness to leave the empire-rebellion setting of the original trilogy. Not only does it take all the satisfaction out of the Return of the Jedi ending, but it's boring and it's so hard to believe the empire just came back as if nothing ever happened. I really would have liked them to explore a different route, or possibly take a break from the political element of star wars altogether and take it down an adventure path. I actually found the copying very cringeworthy and they didn't even make an effort to give an explanation. The First Order arose just because it's the thing to be expected in this galaxy. They just wanted to win easy sympathy for whoever they choose as the main characters (because rebels=morally impeccable victims) but it just gives me contempt for them instead. I mean, how incompetent must you be to let an old enemy arise after dealing them an absolutely crushing blow and having popular opinion in your favor. They deserve all the that comes their way. Rant over.

  9. #49
    Bantu Chieftain's Avatar Biarchus
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    Jar Jar is a force sensitive user at best and a sith at worst.

    Now i wonder what happended to him after the 3rd SW movie.

  10. #50
    Mr_Nygren's Avatar Berserkir
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    Default Re: Star Wars ruined by SJW crap thread - just for people like me who want to discuss the disaster!

    Quote Originally Posted by Vladyvid View Post
    Im older than you Mr_Nygren but i enjoyed all of the prequels, although it goes without saying that Jar-Jar was a bad idea and the romance of Anakin with Padme was also like meh, with those famous lines of ridiculous dialogue about ... sand. It did irritate me (like sand ) in the Attack of the Clones when there were those trival Naboo love story scenes. But anyway, there was a lot of what i like to think was good stuff in there, i liked the whole plot about the clone army, how Kenobi investigated all that and followed Jango Fett and all the Fett-Kenobi scenes were great imho. We had great badass characters in each of the prequels; I: Qui-Gon, Maul; II: Kenobi, Anakin, Fett, Dooku; III: Anakin, Kenobi, Grievous etc and ofc the magnificent Chanceller/Emperor Palpatine.

    In the new trilogy we only get to have failures and the MaRey Sue who is a badass just because, because it doesnt take any effort to be a badass, you just have to 'awaken' LOL. Stupid Yoda was teaching the Jedi for 800 years for nothing, idiot grandmaster it seems, why learn when all it takes to master the force is to AWAKEN! That is ridiculous beyond my personal comprehension. I mean not just that ofc, Kylo Ren who is supposed to be a badass is a little boy trapped in a grown mans body, throwing childish tantrums and all that crap, and the super wise Joke, i mean Snoke was so mysterious and really interesting to develope that they killed him off just because, he outlived his usefullness or something. And then you have Ryan Johnson saying that his goal in making a film is that half of the people will love it and the other half will hate it - like anybody believes that.

    Now the Disney may just aswell announce that they are not making the SW movies for profit, cause they are going to lose profits for what Kennedy and her lackies are doing. I know its just a rumour that shes gonna go, but im already smiling because i believe that money talks and she will have to go sooner or later, cause a lot of people will not put up with all that . I know i certainly will not, so they are not getting any money from me until things change.
    I wrote my other text in Swedish and will have to translate it before posting - so i won't say the same things now as in that text regarding blacks and women, and their roles.

    However, i will answer your other points:

    I was possibly like twelve to thirteen years old when i watched "Attack of the Clones" and that's when interest in girls show up. Because of this i think i found Nathalie Portman/Padme Amidala sexy and hot - and i kinda wished i were Darth Vader as a kid so i found his relationship with Padme kinda amusing. But i believe you are entirely right about the dialogue being cringeworthy, just not something i cared about as a teen - and the sand-scenes were a little odd but due to the epic music i found the scene good.

    If you'd ask me what scenes were the best in Episode 2 - then my answer would not be the love-story scene at all - as the scene i rewatched most times were the battle at the end where Obi-Wan, Anakin and Padme were fighting all the beasts in gladitorial combat, then Dooku sent in the droid army - after which Mace Windu (Samuel L Jackson, a great black character and Jedi btw) arrived and signaled for the entire Jedi Order to arrive at the scene. That battle were the part i've re-watched most times, closely followed by the Yoda VS Count Dooku & Anakin/Obi-Wan VS Count Dooku lightsaber duels at the end - and also the Obi-Wan VS Jango Fet were a cool scene, as i've always liked the look of Bobba Fett - and his father looked very similiar but with different color on his uniform.

    I have a different opinion on bad-asses than you, as i agree with all that you mention but would have added some. My take would be:

    Episode 1. Qui'Gon, Obi-Wan, Darth Maul, Episode 2: Anakin, Obi-Wan, Jango Fett, Count Dooku, Yoda & Padme Amidala (Padme was a good female character and not bad like in the sequels - and she had a certain femininity to her - Yoda finally got to fight and i remember being surprised when watching this in the cinema.), Episode 3: Anakin, Grievous, Dooku, Yoda, Palpatine, Mace Windu, Obi-Wan + that guy from the Clone Wars figthing and dying after "Order 66" (that is how you make an epic scene with lesser characters).

    I really liked that Order 66 scene, but i wanna say Lucas should have shown more of the massacre at the Jedi Academy.

    The prequels had epic War scenes that i don't think the new movies will ever have - with legendary jedis and stuff.

    It would seem Kathleen and the others think Jedi Knights are bad for the boys of this age, that's why they made Luke say "the Jedi is dead" and things like that - i think it's because Jedi Knights and Knights are pretty similar. And Knights are as "oldschool gender roles" as it possibly gets. Same with Princess Leia - they don't want princess roles for girls.


    I liked Count Dooku because he had a cool lightsaber, he is played by a great actor and especially i loved Isengard and Saruman from the LotR movies, and so i immediately loved Dooku as a villain. I were actually disappointed that he was beaten in the beginning of Episode 3. I would have prefered it if Grievous had been replaced with another fighting scene with Dooku instead.
    Last edited by Mr_Nygren; June 09, 2018 at 03:13 PM.
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  11. #51
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    Default Re: Star Wars ruined by SJW crap thread - just for people like me who want to discuss the disaster!

    Quote Originally Posted by BHL 20 View Post
    The biggest thing I hate about the new SW movies is their stubbornness to leave the empire-rebellion setting of the original trilogy. Not only does it take all the satisfaction out of the Return of the Jedi ending, but it's boring and it's so hard to believe the empire just came back as if nothing ever happened. I really would have liked them to explore a different route, or possibly take a break from the political element of star wars altogether and take it down an adventure path. I actually found the copying very cringeworthy and they didn't even make an effort to give an explanation. The First Order arose just because it's the thing to be expected in this galaxy. They just wanted to win easy sympathy for whoever they choose as the main characters (because rebels=morally impeccable victims) but it just gives me contempt for them instead. I mean, how incompetent must you be to let an old enemy arise after dealing them an absolutely crushing blow and having popular opinion in your favor. They deserve all the that comes their way. Rant over.
    I thought the idea of the "First Order" worked fine in "A Force Awakens" as they were all bad-ass looking and with good vilains in charge. But Rian Johnsson destroyed their bad-assery by making one officer a joke, Kylo Ren too emotional and Snoke they just made into this Emperor-copy and killed him off. It wasn't like one didn't see that one coming - and i don't like copies of older characters. I wanted episode seven to nine to be entirely new like the Prequels. It was a very bad decision to not use George Lucas scripts - this is probably what destroyed the movies. It's like letting someone else than Tolkien write LotR.. At least the story needed to be from Lucas.

    Also - it's not as if the Empire were crushed in episode 6 - they had lots of armies and planets under their control. If you look up the Thrawn-trilogy you'd know this. And i do not regard Disney-lore more canon than the Legends.
    Last edited by Mr_Nygren; June 09, 2018 at 04:24 PM.
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  12. #52
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    I watched the following video saturday morning which speculate in the removal of Kathleen Kennedy - who is due to step down in septembre if the rumour is true:

    The Youtuber is talking about certain points, and i felt i needed to fill in my own opinions and thoughts on blacks and women in Star Wars and why we loved them in the sixology but not in the new movies. We have to remember that there were great black and female actors in the old movies as well.

    Here is my text on the matter:

    "We do not mind women and blacks in Star Wars.. I'm not white either..

    I liked female characters like Mara Jade, Padme Amidala and Twilek Jedis from the expanded universe. Always played as a female Jedi in Knights of the Old Republic - and have nothing against black actors like Lando.

    BUT - black characters need badass roles and not be portrayed as wussies. And in new movies, the black actors are given crapy roles that I do not want to compare myself with. Finn was okay in AFA, but in TLJ he had no other purpose than being a black actor in Star Wars - no good personality or story at all was given to him..

    It doesn't lay in me needing to watch blacks on the screen to feel representated, and i am a brown skinned young man. During my entire upbringing, I identified mostly with white men because they had all or most of the roles. Blacks and people of color can identify with all the colors on film - as long as the character is badass! In the same way that lots of white guys loved the black actor Wesley Snipes in Blade/Blade II. Because he was a badass - the problem with blacks in today's movies is that they are wussies. White people also liked black rappers like 15 years ago because they were tough and had style.

    It lays not in the skin color - but in the role..

    Blacks get bad roles, which means poor representation. I would rather identify with a badass white man than a wussy black guy.

    The same can be said of female roles. Where I do not mind women in Star Wars. But they must be portrayed properly. The fault with Rey is that she is given great ability, power and the like without training, previous experience, etc. - She defeated Kylo Ren, despite him being trained for several years by Luke Skywalker, when she never held a lightsaber before. She defeated Luke without any difficulty, she managed to fly the Millenium Falcon as professionally as Han Solo the first time she sat in the spaceship - where he had been flying the ship for over 40 years. She's too good at all she does, and has no weaknesses at all - and the only explanation for her abilities is that she is a woman. Since when were women best at everything they do just because they are women? It's called "Mary Sue"!

    Good female characters need to be built up from the bottom and up. Like Luke, who started as a farmer in space, and later developed into a Jedi Knight. Women like Rey start as best at everything and stay so - it's not good for us fans who like when characters grow and get better throughout the movies. I like the actor of Rey but she deserved a classic story like Luke - but new. And it would be okay that she is weak and unskilled in episode seven but developed through the trilogy and in the end would end up strong, skilled and powerful. It sucks when she has everything from the start and does not need to learn anything because she already knows everything.

    Regarding the other female characters, they were worthless characters. Admiral Koldo from TLJ was a purple-haired SJW character only there to push down the white male characters around her, spread feminist slogans and generally she is a political propaganda character - they have no place in Star Wars and destroy the series with their political propaganda. I would like to be transported to a galaxy far away - not experiencing political messages that I encounter every day in real life that they force down in my throat..

    The galaxy does not feel far away when political feminism is forced down my throat..

    Having said that, I like characters of traditional feminist character like Leia and Padme - but they are still feminine badasses. They are not feminist propaganda machines. Certainly - they spread the feminist message that "women can", but they do it the right way.

    They are awesome characters - unlike Admiral Holdo, who is a propaganda machine.

    Finally, about the Korean character Tico, she sucks as a character. Not because she is Korean but because she does not add anything to the story. She is there just to tell the audience that we have colored women represented - but like the black new character in TLJ Finn, she's totally uninteresting as a character. The character then becomes just an addition for the makers of the movie to take political points..

    Give her a badass role and I have no problem with her being Korean. But stop adding colored people just for diversity - when they do not get interesting roles but are only there to fill a quota..

    Then I were annoyed about the relationship between Finn and Tico - I wanted to see a badass Finn in a relation with Rey. Why do black males always need to pair up with other colored females.. White and Blacks work great. I'd choose a white woman over something else any day - as long as she's feminine.
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    I just wanna say that i am strongly against all harassment directed towards actors. The actors have no fault in their roles being bad or such - they just apply for a job and try their best to act out the script. So i am strongly against any harassment of the actor portraying Rose Tico - but i have no problems attacking the character of Rose Tico.

    There is a difference between the actor and the character. I am just taking a stand against those Facebook fans who have bullied her and made her leave Instagram - because nothing good will come from that. They see it as a victory - but if i were one of the high-ups at Disney i would not do what such fans want me to do.. In fact i would most likely do the opposite of what they'd want. Such fans are therefore very bad for everyone, because their actions sabotage more than they help.

    We all agree about certain issues as fans of the older movies, but not all are harassing actors and stuff like that - so fans with the same disappointments have different ways of handling said disappointments. And i condemn any harassment of actors such as the Korean-American actor of Rose Tico.

    I also wanna say that she not only would need a better role to be good, but she'd also need to look more feminine - i've seen gorgeous pics of the actress and think she could have been a gorgeous femme fatale type of character instead. I always liked that Korean/Chinese chic in Tomorrow Never Dies (James Bond) because she were badass and sexy. But Rose Tico has a traditional male role in Star Wars - and i am not into boys. I would have liked Finns relationship with Tico more if she looked anything like a hot woman.

    The creators were stupid enough to turn this gorgeous actor into less of a woman..

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    I mean - who would even look twice at Rose Tico? But the woman above is very hot. The male-fans are dominating the SW fandom, and you can at least try to please them by making the women look good.. Otherwise chanses are we find them annoying based on their unattractive boyish looks. Kathleen Kennedy is wrong - we do not like girly stuff.. We are still men with male brains and if she thinks boys/men love everything, and girls/women loves everything - then she is traped in a feminist SJW bubble. Because reality is not like that. Why did Trump win? Yeah, because a lot of people are conservative about their preferences.

    Rose Tico in the movies is just too boyish - not even Asian viewers liked her - and that isn't surprising because in Korea i believe they may have more traditional roles. Portraying a woman like a male never hits home as far as i am concerned. I like me some feminine women with lightsabers that i can both respect and find attractive at the same time - a merge of "sexy and badass". Not "boyish and boring".

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    Be your friend's, true friend. Return gift for gift. Repay laughter, with laughter again
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