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Thread: Thrones of Britannia – Anglo Saxon England + Roster

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    Default Thrones of Britannia – Anglo Saxon England + Roster

    New blog:
    Thrones of Britannia – Anglo Saxon England

    The jist is that it goes into little bit more detail on West Seaxe and Marce, with them belonging to Anglo Saxon culture. Their cultural trait is the Fyrd:
    In Anglo Saxon times, the Fyrd was a form of conscripted army composed of self-armed and armoured freemen, called upon to defend their lands when the need arose. One of Alfred the Great’s many reforms was to better formalise the system, ensuring wealthy landowners contributed men and materiel.

    To reflect the Fyrd system, the English Kingdoms in Thrones of Britannia may recruit additional levy units based upon the number of settlements they own. Over-reliance on levy troops carries penalties however – if too many are fielded, the populace will rail against excessive conscription and public order issues will arise.
    West Seaxe, with faction leader Alfred the Great, has a faction trait of Witan:
    The Witan is an assembly of governors which meets to discuss the future prospects of West Seaxe. Its recommendations are periodically presented to the player as a series of proposals. Each option carries positive and negative campaign effects, and can affect the faction’s use of Fyrd levy units.
    Mierce, with faction leader King Ceowulf, has a faction trait of Hoards:
    When an excess of gold languishes in the treasury, a Mierce player is given the option to share out a portion of the wealth. It may be given to the army for reduced upkeep and increased replenishment, to the nobles for increased loyalty and greater income from markets, to the people for increased public order and income from farms, or players may keep it for themselves, incurring penalties to army upkeep and public order.

    Other developments:
    Alfred the Great Trailer
    A Total War Saga: Thrones of Britannia – King Alfred The Great
    Thrones of Britannia – Campaign Map Reveal
    Total War Saga: THRONES OF BRITANNIA - Game Director Interview
    Total War Saga: THRONES OF BRITANNIA - Trailer

    EDIT: Anglo Saxon Roster is revealed.
    Last edited by PointOfViewGun; January 09, 2018 at 01:44 PM.
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