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Thread: Who's still playing?

  1. #141
    DaVinci's Avatar TW Modder 2005-2016
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    The plastic poisoned and d(r)ying surface of planet Earth in before Armageddon

    Default Re: Who's still playing?

    Cool to see people even first discover MTW/VI in 2012 ... 2 decades after its release, amazing ... plus managing it to run it on modern pc's.

    And yes, agreed, MTW/VI is in some certain regard the best TW title (ie. campaign AI, campaign gameplay, medieval atmosphere).
    Last edited by DaVinci; August 05, 2012 at 05:24 AM.
    #Anthropocene #not just Global Warming but Global Disaster, NASA #Deforestation #Plastic Emission #The Blob #Uninhabitable Earth #Savest Place On Earth #AMOC #ICAN #MIT study "Falsehoods Win" #Engineers of Chaos
    #"there can be no doubt about it: the enemy stands on the Right!" 1922, by Joseph Wirth.
    Rightwingers, like in the past the epitome of incompetence, except for evilness where they own the mastership.
    Iirc., already 2013 i spoke of "Renaissance of Fascism", it was accurate.
    #"Humanity is in ‘final exam’ as to whether or not it qualifies for continuance in universe." Buckminster Fuller
    Any chance for this exam? Very low, the established Anthropocentrism destroys the basis of existence.
    #My Modding #The Witcher 3: Lore Friendly Tweaks (LFT)
    #End, A diary of the Third World War (A.-A. Guha, 1983) - now, it started on 24th February 2022.

  2. #142

    Default Re: Who's still playing?

    Er...two decades? I believe you mean one (either that, or this is one heck of a game from 1992! ).

  3. #143
    DaVinci's Avatar TW Modder 2005-2016
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    The plastic poisoned and d(r)ying surface of planet Earth in before Armageddon

    Default Re: Who's still playing?

    Quote Originally Posted by Kaidonni View Post
    Er...two decades? I believe you mean one (either that, or this is one heck of a game from 1992! ).
    Upps, you are right ... it's one decade
    #Anthropocene #not just Global Warming but Global Disaster, NASA #Deforestation #Plastic Emission #The Blob #Uninhabitable Earth #Savest Place On Earth #AMOC #ICAN #MIT study "Falsehoods Win" #Engineers of Chaos
    #"there can be no doubt about it: the enemy stands on the Right!" 1922, by Joseph Wirth.
    Rightwingers, like in the past the epitome of incompetence, except for evilness where they own the mastership.
    Iirc., already 2013 i spoke of "Renaissance of Fascism", it was accurate.
    #"Humanity is in ‘final exam’ as to whether or not it qualifies for continuance in universe." Buckminster Fuller
    Any chance for this exam? Very low, the established Anthropocentrism destroys the basis of existence.
    #My Modding #The Witcher 3: Lore Friendly Tweaks (LFT)
    #End, A diary of the Third World War (A.-A. Guha, 1983) - now, it started on 24th February 2022.

  4. #144

    Default Re: Who's still playing?

    I bought the game when it was originally released and now I fancied to instal it again and play it a little bit. Although it was hard to get over the installation, I managed it and enjoyed a really nice campaign. The campaign map is still as messy as I remember

  5. #145

    Default Re: Who's still playing?

    Wow, I wasn't even sure this game was still around. I have the original in my closet; it's one of my favorite games of all time. I'm wondering if anyone plays it on a Mac and if they're just using BootCamp or is there a Mac installer. Also, is there a way to resolve the widescreen issue. Seems like I installed it at one time and it didn't work well on my widescreen monitors.

  6. #146

    Default Re: Who's still playing?

    @Kenny Works nice one!

    I've got a nice Polish early Glorious Achiements campaign on the go that needs some more work on it. I bought 6 TW titles this year so they've been taking my attention away from it. I love the battles MTW gives.

  7. #147

    Default Re: Who's still playing?

    I was shocked and incredibly happy to discover that my copies of MTW and VI work on my new gaming computer that I got less than a year ago. I first bought MTW in 2002 or 03 and played the hell out of it. Around 07 we 'upgraded' to a new computer that wouldn't play it. And now, after something like 5 years, I'm playing the Byzantines again!
    One of the most sophisticated Total War modders ever developed...

  8. #148

    Default Re: Who's still playing?

    I'm going to try out this awesome looking game once I'm done installing it!

  9. #149
    the new username's Avatar Praepositus
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    Default Re: Who's still playing?

    I'm still here too.

    I absolutely love shogun, bought it two years ago.

  10. #150
    chris10's Avatar Primicerius
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    Default Re: Who's still playing?

    Just reinstalled this...after solving the resolution bug for win7 with this Attachment 255467 I got it going well on a widescreen monitor.
    Now just have to amend some building times and unit sizes for really huge battles and over christmas I will enjoy the slow paced and relaxing gameplay of this classic

  11. #151

    Default Re: Who's still playing?

    Have just finished a Viking campaign by conquering the whole British Isles.
    Somewhat hard at the start as my few troops could not keep public order down, resulting in many loyalist revolts in newly conquered regions. The plundering bonus was nice for cash and often necessary, but I faced serious problems gaining income from the conquests as anything was destroyed after each battle. And two Civil Wars during the campaign were not helpful either especially the first when both, Hordaland and Denmark, with their many advanced buildings joined the rebells. But thanks to my superior navy and the Vikings 'special ability' to leave provinces without ports I could harass the dominant Irish and Welsh Empires until they collapsed finally.

  12. #152

    Default Re: Who's still playing?

    Quote Originally Posted by Xerrop View Post
    Have just finished a Viking campaign by conquering the whole British Isles.
    Coincidentally I just finished a campaign as the Picts.
    Quote Originally Posted by Xerrop View Post
    Somewhat hard at the start as my few troops could not keep public order down, resulting in many loyalist revolts in newly conquered regions. The plundering bonus was nice for cash and often necessary, but I faced serious problems gaining income from the conquests as anything was destroyed after each battle. And two Civil Wars during the campaign were not helpful either especially the first when both, Hordaland and Denmark, with their many advanced buildings joined the rebells. But thanks to my superior navy and the Vikings 'special ability' to leave provinces without ports I could harass the dominant Irish and Welsh Empires until they collapsed finally.
    As the Vikings you need to raid. Circle the coast of Britain and hit all the rich provinces with monasteries and keeping moving on the following year. Train no units - the Huscarle Heirs and faction leader can usually pull this off alone and it saves florins. Once you've raided the whole coast, move on to raid Ireland, then once you have enough in the coffers invade Ireland, settle it and develop it's farms and trade to support your armies.

    The pagan shrines are your only means of boosting conversion, but spies, watchtowers, the brothel, and church are very useful for keeping provinces from revolting also.

  13. #153

    Default Re: Who's still playing?

    Just bought a new laptop, and first thing I did was to see if the original Medieval TW still worked - and it does! I am a happy camper now.
    Dell Inspiron 15R with the AMD A8 processor / graphics.
    One curious thing btw: even though my computer is a widescreen (1366x768), Medieval TW only displays in a 4:3 aspect ratio, with a resolution of 1024x768, with black bars on both sides of the screen. Not an issue, as the game runs perfectly.

  14. #154

    Default Re: Who's still playing?

    Yes, MTW only supports 4:3 resolutions. So to get the highest resolution you would have to select a vertical resolution less than or equal to that of your monitor as you have done.

  15. #155
    GeorgiBG's Avatar Miles
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    Default Re: Who's still playing?

    Quote Originally Posted by DonDiego256 View Post
    Just bought a new laptop, and first thing I did was to see if the original Medieval TW still worked - and it does! I am a happy camper now.
    Dell Inspiron 15R with the AMD A8 processor / graphics.
    One curious thing btw: even though my computer is a widescreen (1366x768), Medieval TW only displays in a 4:3 aspect ratio, with a resolution of 1024x768, with black bars on both sides of the screen. Not an issue, as the game runs perfectly.
    Mine is the same. With the ddraw fix Im able to achieve higher resolution but too high for my screen. And Im wondering how I can achieve 1366x768?

  16. #156

    Default Re: Who's still playing?

    Quote Originally Posted by Teppo Ashigaru View Post
    Coincidentally I just finished a campaign as the Picts.
    Congratulations The Picts were my first faction when playing the campaign back in 2004. But with their poor provinces and my inferior tactical knowledge I could not expand very well.

    Quote Originally Posted by Teppo Ashigaru View Post
    The pagan shrines are your only means of boosting conversion, but spies, watchtowers, the brothel, and church are very useful for keeping provinces from revolting also.
    I used mostly watchtowers and the Shrines of course. But building churches as Vikings - is this a wise choice? Hindering the conversation to my Pagan state religion seems not be the best solution.

    And something I am also not completely sure. What effects do spies have on public order. A single agents does not raise them at all. At least in the turn I place him on the province. Maybe the effect will only start after I press 'End Turn'?
    I know that more agents like priests in the same provinces boost conversation. But this is not an endless effect I guess. Is there a limit that don't know three Bishops have three times stronger conversation rate, but five more are not necessary?

  17. #157

    Default Re: Who's still playing?

    Quote Originally Posted by Xerrop View Post
    Congratulations The Picts were my first faction when playing the campaign back in 2004. But with their poor provinces and my inferior tactical knowledge I could not expand very well.
    The trick with the Picts is the same trick as any other faction, but much more important: Get ships in the sea fast. The Vikings target provinces with high value and unfortunately those Abbeys make the easy picking. The Curraghs are not good enough to see off the viking ships and cost more to support, so teching up to the basic longboats as soon as possible is a good idea.

    In terms of units, the +1 valour celtic warriors from Athfotla and armoured spearmen make a good mainstay force. The Pictish Cavalry are also superb and get a bonus in Fib, The xbows and especially mounted xbows are very effective against armour. The mobility of the latter makes them very useful against the huscarles.

    Quote Originally Posted by Xerrop View Post
    I used mostly watchtowers and the Shrines of course. But building churches as Vikings - is this a wise choice? Hindering the conversation to my Pagan state religion seems not be the best solution.
    That was a slip on my part - I just threw all the "happy buildings" into that sentence. The pagan shrine and sacrificial shrine are the equivalent of the stone cross and chapel. The pagan religious buildings line has no equivalents to the church and cathedral.

    Of course, if the Vikings get converted then they can build the catholic buildings. I have never seen AI factions make any serious attempt at this when playing as the Vikings. The main reason for this is that the AI tends to convert provinces it intends to invade and catholic faction army stacks cannot reach the Scandinavian provinces at all due to the lack of deep sea vessels.

    Quote Originally Posted by Xerrop View Post
    And something I am also not completely sure. What effects do spies have on public order. A single agents does not raise them at all. At least in the turn I place him on the province. Maybe the effect will only start after I press 'End Turn'?

    In MTW only the highest valour spy effects the loyalty of the province. This does not mean that multiple spies are redundant for counterspying. I have seen many occasions where the highest valour spy missed an intruder, but the next spy caught him and increased in valour. Based on this I believe that every infiltrator has to run the gauntlet of every counterspy. (if you want to train your agents in this manner - do not build the border forts).

    Quote Originally Posted by Xerrop View Post
    I know that more agents like priests in the same provinces boost conversation. But this is not an endless effect I guess. Is there a limit that don't know three Bishops have three times stronger conversation rate, but five more are not necessary?
    It is indeed cumulative as you say and valour seems to improve it also. I have no idea if there's a cap, but you could try testing it.

  18. #158

    Default Re: Who's still playing?

    Quote Originally Posted by Teppo Ashigaru View Post
    Yes, MTW only supports 4:3 resolutions. So to get the highest resolution you would have to select a vertical resolution less than or equal to that of your monitor as you have done.

    Okay, here is the funny thing:
    Foregoing my new laptop, I installed MTW on an old(er) desktop.
    The specs:
    Intel Pentium(R) Dual Core E5300 @2.60 Ghz, 6GB ram, running Windows XP x64.
    Nvidia G210 graphics with 512mb dedicated video memory.
    This is attached via DVI to an 18.5 inch widescreen HP monitor with a max resolution of 1366x768.

    I can only set the display in MTW Video settings to 1024x768 (which makes sense, since this is the maximum height the monitor can display). However, when I play the game, the image is displayed in a full 1366x768 (no black bars on either side). The distortion is minimal, with no tearing of images or skylines. It would be nice if this "stretching" of the image occurred on Windows 7 machines as well, but that does not seem to be the case.

  19. #159
    Liu Zheng's Avatar Miles
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    Default Re: Who's still playing?

    Quote Originally Posted by DonDiego256 View Post
    Okay, here is the funny thing:
    Foregoing my new laptop, I installed MTW on an old(er) desktop.
    The specs:
    Intel Pentium(R) Dual Core E5300 @2.60 Ghz, 6GB ram, running Windows XP x64.
    Nvidia G210 graphics with 512mb dedicated video memory.
    This is attached via DVI to an 18.5 inch widescreen HP monitor with a max resolution of 1366x768.

    I can only set the display in MTW Video settings to 1024x768 (which makes sense, since this is the maximum height the monitor can display). However, when I play the game, the image is displayed in a full 1366x768 (no black bars on either side). The distortion is minimal, with no tearing of images or skylines. It would be nice if this "stretching" of the image occurred on Windows 7 machines as well, but that does not seem to be the case.
    You can enable it in the GPU configuration.

  20. #160

    Default Re: Who's still playing?

    I discovered my box of MTW and it still had the booklet but no CD is anywhere to be found sadly I still have Shogun to boot. It kinda sucks because I've been really wanting to play this one again.

    What's even more is it's not even offered on Steam. Was there a reason for that?
    Therefore I am I must - King of Dyslexia
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