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Thread: How long does an average battle last???

  1. #1

    Default How long does an average battle last???

    How long???

  2. #2

    Default Re: How long does an average battle last???

    I'd say maybe a couple hours although i may be wrong.


  3. #3

    Default Re: How long does an average battle last???

    Quote Originally Posted by MasterAdnin
    I'd say maybe a couple hours although i may be wrong.

    Wow you must slow your game down or something

    Battles take 30-45 minutes usually depending on how many units there are. I play mostly multiplayer so the game can't be paused, but if you do play single player you can fast forward through all the parts where you are just positioning units.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Default Re: How long does an average battle last???

    My battles last about 15 to 60 minutes, but it varies depending on how much units are involved. But I can tell you they are far better than RTW battles, complex planning is necessary, as sometimes there are som odd results to skirmishes so you always need a back up plan and some reserves.
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  5. #5
    Vanquisher's Avatar Campidoctor
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    Default Re: How long does an average battle last???

    Is this about real battles or RTW ones, if RTW vannila, then anything from 2 to 10-15 minutes. RTR however can take up an hour or more.

  6. #6

    Default Re: How long does an average battle last???

    Most battles last about 30 minutes, but it depends on the size and balance of the opposing armies. If the 2 armies are both big and well balanced, then the battle will probably take longer.

    Also, only a maximum of 20 units (if I recall) per army are allowed on the battlefield at any one time, so if you or the enemy have more units, those units will arrive as reinforcements to replace units that have been destroyed or routed. The reinforcements only arrive one by one in direct replacement as units are destroyed or routed and "leave" the battlefield. So by using this 20 unit limit in the game to your advantage, it is possible to defeat armies 2 or 3 times your size. Those type of battles may take a hour to win.

    As others have pointed out, you can speed up the pace when positioning units to reduce the time it takes to complete the battle.

  7. #7

    Default Re: How long does an average battle last???

    It's a 16-unit maximum in MTW and VI.

  8. #8
    MaximiIian's Avatar Comes Limitis
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    Default Re: How long does an average battle last???

    About 28-35 minutes for me. Mostly, though, I just autoresolve. I like to do custom battles, though, to calculate numbers and casualties for a story I'm writing.

  9. #9

    Default Re: How long does an average battle last???

    In MTW I generally auto-fight my battles. The campaign element is better. When I fight custom or historical battles, they tend to take around half an hour to 45 minutes.

  10. #10

    Default Re: How long does an average battle last???

    I agree with the guys about that it really depends on the number of units, and sometimes with reinforments, you must fight another entire army after you defeat one,that way battles can take many many time (i remember some dude saying he had a 4 hours battle against the mongols when he was russia) a goood way to avoid such larche battles is killing the enemy general as fast as possible.

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  11. #11
    Yakov's Avatar Tiro
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    Default Re: How long does an average battle last???

    Hello evreyone im new here.

    i do hope some battles last for a long time (it might be a drag though)

  12. #12
    Wild Bill Kelso's Avatar Protist Slayer
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    Default Re: How long does an average battle last???

    Medieval Total War battles can last for hours. I believe the longest I had to fight was almost 3. That was when the mongols invaded and I had a huge byzantine garrison waiting for them. Thank god for pavise arbalasts!
    Still here since December 2002
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  13. #13

    Default Re: How long does an average battle last???

    I love MTW battles. The field is huge and the battle can really wage forth and back sometimes. The longest one I fought was about 1 h 30. The AI kept bringing in wave after wave of troops. At the end, I was reduced to a small group of militia seargents. Never had that feeling in RTW. Things can really get desperate. I really hope that MTW 2 battles are not going to be a 10 second slaughterfeast, like they were in RTW at first. Concerning that aspect, MTW 1 really is superior.
    From the pride and arrogance of the Romans nothing is sacred. But the vindictive gods are now at hand. On this spot we must either conquer, or die with glory (Boudiccas Speech, Tacitus, Annals, XIV, 35)

    under Patronage of Emperor Dimitricus, Granddaughter of the Black Prince.

  14. #14

    Default Re: How long does an average battle last???

    My longest battle was the one i played last nite.

    I was russia and the mongols invaded with 15k troops when i only had about 6-7k i lasted 4 n half hours before i couldnt hold my defensive line anymore and i crumbled, but i did manage to kill 11k of there troops tho

  15. #15

    Default Re: How long does an average battle last???

    Once I played as Spain and my arch enemy were the Almohads..

    I was in the middle of the desert, with sand hills surrounding. With my tiny, but powerful army I was waiting for the Almohads to appear. And then like a storm, All the surrounding mountains were filled with unit pouring down. Basically the sand dunes turned black from the giant almohad army.
    They were swirling around like ants and out of the nothing they blew the attack horn. I have to tell you, i was ready to hit the 'quit' button, because if it would have been real life, i would have probably my pants.
    My troops had very high valor and were veterans , including some leftover knights from a failed crusade and a very high valor spanish prince.

    I acted like a "hero" and charged their heaviest cavalry with their general. After fighting for 10 minutes, they blew the retreat horn, when i managed to kill their entire bodyguard and the almohad prince as well. The funny thing is, i kept chasing them, but since my units were dead tired, I just stopped and waited. They came back, with the same threatening giant force, but since they were low-valor and inexperienced troops, they finally retreated. This alone made me feel special about those remaining small cavalry and dismounted knights I had, and my prince valor even went higher.

    And again, as many of you who have played this game or still playing, I have never felt such a glory winning such a battle or felt overwhelmed and basically having such a "fear" in RTW.

    Now i feel like reinstalling MTW damn it..
    Last edited by HorseArcher; September 01, 2006 at 02:22 PM.

  16. #16

    Default Re: How long does an average battle last???

    15-60 sounds about right.

    There are exceptions, though. For instance in my Turkish campaign when the Mongols came it was about 15,000 vs 5000 so that took about 4 hours or more to finish. That was ****ing awesome.

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