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Thread: Total War Troy : Aegean Mythos

  1. #1

    Default Total War Troy : Aegean Mythos

    Hello everyone,
    Today, on the day of the release of the MYTHOS DLC from TROY TOTAL WAR, we want to give you the official presentation of our mod: Total War Troy: Aegean Mythos.
    This project is the culmination of a childhood dream, that of seeing a rehabilitation of the famous game Age Of Mythology to the universe of Total WAR.
    The game TROY Total War clearly gives us the possibility.
    So let us present our project to you ...




    The main objective of this project is very simple: to make TROY TOTAL WAR as epic, fun and incredible as possible.
    The goal is not to make a copy paste of the game Age Of Mythology, we simply draw inspiration, like other playful video works, cinematographic, literary.
    We simply want to push the concept of spice to its peak, giving it a dimension not present in the base game.

    As such, we state it clearly from the beginning, if you are an absolute fan of history and historical truthfulness, you are clearly not in the right place, continuing reading might even give you buttons .. even worse.

    Now that this has been said, if you are still here, it is because the project interests you, or at least intrigues you.
    We are currently a small team of 3 people.
    We have been working on the project for about 6 months.
    We have a lot of ideas, and they may not all be implemented. That being said, we will do our utmost to release the content that we will announce. We will try to communicate with you on a regular basis to keep you updated on project progress and developments.
    What we can tell you right now is that this mod will not be a simple "RESKIN" of pre-existing models. We intend to create new things; we have already started well and we will continue!

    The project will not be limited to the provision of new units or features. We decided to create our own vision of Greek mythology at the time of the Trojan War. So there will be an important narrative that will allow us to bring you with us into our world, into our vision of this history.
    The goal is to create a dynamic system of quest, making the campaign exciting and non-linear, just like what you can find on a Total War WARHAMMER.

    Here are enough texts for the moment, time for images, places for exciting content and see you soon!


    List of key changes: (non-exhaustive list, may change)

    -Reworking and cleaning DB for each Playable Factions
    -Reworking Heroes types for recruiting
    -Reworking Tech Building according to the current Roster
    -Reworking Gods Tech and Building
    -Reworking Heroes Tech System
    -Including Background History
    -Including Quest System
    -Reworking Faction/heroes quests
    -Reworking and Reskinning Mythological monsters
    -Reworking Gods Powers and attributes


    Roadmap for September 2021 January 2022 :


    Inclusion of new 12 playable factions:
    [In the working order]




    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 


    @D. Decoco [FR] --------- Project Manager & 3D Artist
    @EadweardMG [FR]------------------------------ 2D Artist
    @Ulfhedinn_ --------------------------- Data base & Script
    / ! \ we are recruiting / ! \


    Last edited by decoco; September 26, 2021 at 03:06 AM.

  2. #2
    Jake Armitage's Avatar Artifex

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    Default Re: Total War Troy : Aegean Mythos

    best wishes guys

  3. #3

    Default Re: Total War Troy : Aegean Mythos

    Thx Jake We are trying to do the best as possible !

  4. #4

    Default Re: Total War Troy : Aegean Mythos

    This is awesome news for me, I love the archaic look of the Spartans already!

  5. #5

    Default Re: Total War Troy : Aegean Mythos

    Link for In game capture with ''Proto Menelas" (In fact not the definitive look at all, just a test for heroe ability) with new Duel ability allowing a a fight to the death.
    Test of the phalanx ability
    Last edited by decoco; September 06, 2021 at 02:46 PM.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Total War Troy : Aegean Mythos

    First Preview of works on Spartan and Trojan. Juste 3D modeling with basic Smart Materials on Substance. Always in WIP for texturing.

    Spartan Helmets and Crest Collection + Weapons
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Menelas Concept

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Trojan Helmets Collection
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Trojan Shields Collection

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Trojan Spearsmen and Swordsmen
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Hector Concept

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

  7. #7
    Gyrosmeister's Avatar Monsieur Grec
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    Default Re: Total War Troy : Aegean Mythos

    Looks awesome. Good luck with the project!

  8. #8

    Default Re: Total War Troy : Aegean Mythos

    Thx for support man

  9. #9

    Default Re: Total War Troy : Aegean Mythos

    Looking like an interesting overhaul. Good luck lads, I'll be keeping a close eye on your progress... Can't wait!



  10. #10

    Default Re: Total War Troy : Aegean Mythos

    Thx man

  11. #11
    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness
    Content Director Patrician Citizen

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    Default Re: Total War Troy : Aegean Mythos

    I like the idea of quests to create an exciting and non-linear campaign and the work in progress looks good.

    It's helpful to have a list of key changes. Maybe you could add more detail to these, as the project progresses?

  12. #12

    Default Re: Total War Troy : Aegean Mythos

    Hello you can find more infos on the discord forum ! We are very busy at this moment, the mod moves slowly. The big part for us at this moment is the addition of the main god choice at the begenning + creation of new ressources like god favors.
    In the 3D / 2D parts, we are going to finish the spartan. The creation of new asset take lots of time because it's the first faction rekin. After we will reuse lots of stuff for the other factions.

    First communication video :
    Last edited by decoco; September 26, 2021 at 03:08 AM.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Total War Troy : Aegean Mythos

    Good afternoon, I just read the entire development process of this great mod and the breadth of new details that it will incorporate into the game in terms of Greek myths is great. I thought, although I know that it will take a long time to be finished, if it would be possible, please let the teamdevelopment will include the following creatures in this mod regarding (Heroes, heroines, gods, goddesses, mythological monsters and military units to recruit in the game - whenever possible and there is time since then in addition to 3 new playable factions):-3 New playable Factions: Iolcus (leader of the Jason the Argonaut faction, Corinthius (leader of the Creon faction successor Creusa, Delphi (leader of the Sybyl (fortune teller) Pytia faction).-New recruitable Heroes and Heroines: (Medea and Circe "the sorceress princesses of Colchis", Calypso "the sorceress nymph", Atalanta the Amazon huntress, Lamia "the snake queen lady", Arachne "the spider lady", Cilia "thececaelia the octopus lady", Danae, Europa, Theseus, Perseus, Chiron "the centaur", Hercules and Perseus "the demigods", (Medusa, Stheno and Euryale the 3 gorgon sisters).-New Olympian Gods and Goddesses: Eros, Elios, Amphitrite, Persephone, Triton, Hecate Typhon, Iris and Eris.-Greek mythological monsters: The giant demons Talos and Gerion, the Dragon-serpent of Colchis that guarded the golden fleece, Scylla, the boar of Erymanthus and the great white Bull of Crete.-Greek mythological military units:(I include the names of the units and their leaders according to Greek myths> if instead of units it is considered better to include these names such as heroes and heroines, I also think it is a good idea, (as for color, I think that those units related toThe water should be made of skin with scales and on armor and helmets or weapons (whether axes, spears, swords, daggers, bows and arrows) I leave it at the disposal of the development team.1Sirens: Aglaope, Telxiepia, Telxinoe, Pisinoe, Partenope, Ligeia, Leucosia, Molpe, Radne, Teles.2Partaonides: Sterope, Eurythemiste, Stratonice.3The nine Muses: Calliope, Clio, Eratoe, Euterbe, Melpomene, Polymnia, Thalia, Terpsichore and Urania.4Hesperid Nymphs: Arethusa, Eritia, Hesperetusa, Hesperia, Egle.5 Pleiades nymphs: Maya, Celena, Alcione, Electra, Merope.6Aquatic nymphs of lakes and rivers the Naiades: Acrea, Arpina, Asterope, Calciode, Cyanea, Castalia, Cyrene, Cleocaria, Cleomede, Cleona, Corcyra, Coricia, Dirce, Daulide, Aegina, Oenone, Euboea, Glaucia, Ondine, Heleade, Lilea, Limnadea, Io, Pegea, Memphis, Mera, Mirtoesa, Nemea, Nana, Nicaea, Plataea, Chione, Salamis, Samia, Sinope, Themis, Thespia.7Aquatic nymphs of the seas the Nereids: Tethys, Galatea, Beroe, Calypso, Doris, Ephyra, Ceto, Clio, Eudora, Asia, Ceto, Climene, Dione, Yanira, Nenipe, Plexaura, Toa, Janta, Glauca, Nesea, Actea,Cimodoca.8Aquatic nymphs of the Oceans the Oceanides: Styx, Neda, Idia, Libya, Metis, Dione, Eurinome, Nemesis.9Nymphs of the Underworld or Hades: Cocytia, Gorgira, Leuce, Minte, Orfnea.10Nymphs of the Forests: Dafne, Driade, Epimelia, Kissia, Melias, Alseida, Aulonia, Napea, Orestia, Hyleroio, Cabiria, Hecateria, Melias, Menade, Lena, Mimalone, Nayade, Tiade and Temidea.Thank you very much for listening to me, sorry for the inconvenience and much encouragement to the whole team with this great mod.

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