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  1. Re: The Red King (A King of Rivers and Hills AAR)

    Well, it was a longer wait that I had expected, but here we are, I got to confess that this chapter could be thought of as the first of two parts, on its own it had grown far too large for my liking...
  2. Re: The Red King (A King of Rivers and Hills AAR)

    Chapter XIX

    The Grasp of Winter

    Winter in the North was harsh, unforgiving and cruel, the smallfolk looked to their lords for shelter and safety behind their castle walls, the old and the...
  3. Re: The Red King (A King of Rivers and Hills AAR)

    Hi all, it has been quite some time since the last update, I trust that it will be ready during the following days. I hope you have a happy weekend. Dont forget, I do not intend to abandon this tale....
  4. Re: The Red King (A King of Rivers and Hills AAR)

    Chapter XVIII

    As the Birds Fly

    Days before Lord Greystark met his match against Lord Royce, Ramsay Fireblood, Lord of Torrhen´s Square had finally reached Seagard; the ancient seat of House...
  5. Replies

    Re: Writers: Let's have a conversation

    Hey! It`s the old Mega! An old warhorse indeed. If I may I will answer your questions and bring light upon myself.

    1.- The why... it´s kind of a drive, it´s something of an itch, it´s the story...
  6. Re: The Red King (A King of Rivers and Hills AAR)

    Back in my day this was called a tease, and was often frowned upon, but in these current times I thought it was best to let you know that we have a big chapter incoming, big battle, big politics, the...
  7. Re: The Red King (A King of Rivers and Hills AAR)

    Chapter XXVII


    The Mountain Clans brought their strength from their stone keeps and ring forts, close to three thousand men, of all ages and sizes, riding small and sturdy...
  8. Re: The Red King (A King of Rivers and Hills AAR)

    Chapter XXVI

    The First Men

    When the Queen of the West had put forward the notion that the Boltons ought to invade the Vale as a “wedding gift” towards House Lannister, both Domeric and...
  9. Poll: Re: [20/JAN/15]The Reunited Kingdom submod for MOS 1.62 v1.4 RELEASED!

    Hey, I just want to say that I have been having a blast playing this mod again after so many years, quick question, I hope someone knows, what is the population requirement for turning Annuminas into...
  10. Re: The Red King (A King of Rivers and Hills AAR)

    So long from the last update! Worry not, this story lives still. I hope you are having a most pleasant time reading it. Cheers!
  11. Re: The Red King (A King of Rivers and Hills AAR)

    Chapter XXV

    The Bleeding Rivers

    As Lord Greystark and his army, reinforced by the allegiance of House Reed and all their vassals; crawled through the Causeway, his head still hazy with...
  12. Re: The Red King (A King of Rivers and Hills AAR)

    Chapter XXIV

    The Falcon´s Claws

    It wasn’t the first time that the Arryns, or some other, tried the Causeway in search of the way North. Hundreds of armies had met their end at Moat Cailin...
  13. Re: The Red King (A King of Rivers and Hills AAR)

    Chapter XXIII

    A Pride of Lions

    Winter was here, the white raven had finally arrived from Oldtown, confirming what every man, woman and child from the North already knew. The season had...
  14. Re: The Red King (A King of Rivers and Hills AAR)

    Chapter XXII

    We Rule the Waves

    Since time immemorial the people from the shore, fishing villages and small harbours had learned to fear the Ironborn rising from the sea....
  15. Re: The Red King (A King of Rivers and Hills AAR)

    Chapter XXI

    The Prince and the Giant

    Winter was ever approaching, and further North the cold set in with a vicious grip, the Weeping Water was already frozen at it´s head, and still, in...
  16. Re: The Red King (A King of Rivers and Hills AAR)

    Chapter XX

    The Moat

    The foul stench of the Neck came pouring from the South. The great towers of Moat Cailin stood in defiance despite age and logic. Young Ethan´s host was arrayed in a...
  17. Re: The Red King (A King of Rivers and Hills AAR)

    Chapter XIX

    The Silver Fist

    Night fell upon Deepwood Motte, Greystark had sent Owen Glover forward with his vanguard, under cover of dark and covered in branches and mud to steal upon the...
  18. Re: The Red King (A King of Rivers and Hills AAR)


    The King in Winterfell

    As the Flayed Man was raised atop the walls of Karhold and as Greystark marched even closer to Deepwood Motte, the King woke up from a...
  19. Re: The Red King (A King of Rivers and Hills AAR)

    Chapter XVI

    The Red Prince

    The Karhold was a stronger keep than the Umber´s Hearth and far stronger than the Motte in the Wolfswood, stone walls and towers, a deep moat surrounded it,...
  20. Re: The Red King (A King of Rivers and Hills AAR)

    Chapter XV

    The Wolf in the Forest

    Lord Greystark came to regret his words in Winterfell, while in the castle he instructed his men to be vigilant at all times, to wear their full armour and...
  21. Re: The Red King (A King of Rivers and Hills AAR)

    Chapter IV

    A Bold Prince

    “A fine host.” Vayon said as he inspected his troops from horseback, one of his father´s sergeants, Berengar, close behind him. “Near, three thousand and five...
  22. Re: The Red King (A King of Rivers and Hills AAR)



    A few days had passed in Winterfell, without great incident so far, the King held court in the New Castle, the remaining princes were kept...
  23. Re: The Red King (A King of Rivers and Hills AAR)

    Chapter XII

    The Children in the Godswood

    The Main and First Keep held out until morning. Ramsay had stormed through the Godswood taking down the Stark loyalists hidden...
  24. Re: The Red King (A King of Rivers and Hills AAR)

    Chapter XI

    The Storm in the North

    King Domeric marched on Winterfell with all his might, Beron´s skin on his shoulders and the Winter Crown perched in his saddle, yet his host had been...
  25. Re: The Red King (A King of Rivers and Hills AAR)


    Greystark´s Ascension

    The King´s messengers had found Greystark readying himself for the march North, to Winterfell. By raven he received word of the battle against...
  26. Re: The Red King (A King of Rivers and Hills AAR)

    Chapter IX

    The Flayed Man

    The new Bolton camp was in an uproar as night fell upon the battlefield. Ale was freely served and every man had been given double ration after the battle, even...
  27. Re: The Red King (A King of Rivers and Hills AAR)

    Chapter VIII

    The Wolf´s Blood

    After he routed Karstark´s army King Domeric marched upon the ancient seat of the Starks, he unfurled his banners in front of the double walls of Winterfell...
  28. Re: The Red King (A King of Rivers and Hills AAR)

    Chapter VII

    The Sun in Twilight

    Hugo Karstark had marched to Winterfell with all his might, supporting Beron the Halflig through the early days of his revelation as son of the...
  29. Re: The Red King (A King of Rivers and Hills AAR)

    Chapter VI
    The Hunt for the Wolf

    Initial reports stated that after returning from Barrowtown, Beron Halfstark had turned Northeast, the path to the Dreadfort, Ramsay´s scouts however, had found...
  30. Re: The Red King (A King of Rivers and Hills AAR)

    Chapter VI
    Barrowtown Reclaimed

    Lord Greystark had crossed the White Knife with all his might barely speaking to his son Ethan and his wife, near four thousand men came with him, and almost...
  31. Re: The Red King (A King of Rivers and Hills AAR)

    Chapter V

    The Barrow and the Horse

    Ralf Dustin had made good time as he headed west with his guard, fifty of his retainers had come with him from Barrowtown to seek the...
  32. Re: The Red King (A King of Rivers and Hills AAR)

    Chapter IV

    The Grey Wolf

    The long, swift march South back to the Wolf´s Den had made Lord Greystark uneasy, his eldest son (by his first wife), who had rode with him to the Dreadfort had...
  33. Re: The Red King (A King of Rivers and Hills AAR)

    Chapter III

    The Morning´s Snow

    The autumn in the North was a fickle mistress, one day could be pleasant with mild winds and warm afternoons, the other sudden gusts of wind could knock down...
  34. Re: The Red King (A King of Rivers and Hills AAR)

    Chapter II
    The Red Crown

    Not long after Lord Domeric laid his claim to the Kingship of the North, ravens flew, declaring his intent, calling upon all true Northmen to join against the wildling...
  35. The Red King (A King of Rivers and Hills AAR)

    Chapter I

    The Betrayal
    “My lords! My lords!” Lord Bolton roared from his High Chair, trying in vain to contain the roars raging across his Hall. He turned to his Captain of the Keep and gave...
  36. Re: [RELEASED SUBMOD] Game of thrones: Fire and Blood 2.1.2 (WTW 1.0 MAP IMPORTED + ESSOS ADDED!)

    A quick question, when you play the War of Conquest with House Targaryen, does Aegon and Visenya´s units are their dragons?
  37. Re: DCI: Last Alliance - Open Beta released, get your copy and play folks!

    I managed to get it working, indeed, the trouble was with the naming of the folders, it seems that DCI
    "requires" to be in the folder named Third_Age_3
  38. Re: DCI: Last Alliance - Open Beta released, get your copy and play folks!

    Hmmm I have both DAC V3 named as Third_Age_3 and DACV4 named as Third_Age_DAC, may that be the problem? I used Emperor of Hell method to have multiple installs of TATW, I extracted your Zip on a...
  39. Re: DCI: Last Alliance - Open Beta released, get your copy and play folks!

    Hi, I did everything by the manual installation instructions and I got "Medieval II has found a fatal error and will now exit". Can anyone share any input. I also have DAC v3 installed but its in its...
  40. Replies

    Re: Ar-Adunaim Reforged (SUB_MOD) for DACV3.7

    Hello, is this mod save game compatible? Say, can I install in the very midst of an Ar Adunaim campaign?
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