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Uploaded by XXZit - November 21, 2020
Author Author XXZit
File Size File Size 8.02 MB
Downloads Downloads 278
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This program is intended to facilitate the modification of large contents of text with nothing but a few key strokes. With it, tasks that could take hours or days of painstaking manual work can be accomplished in mere moments. It was born out of my disappointment with regular expressions and their inability to modify matches in the manner I wanted. Though I made it with Total War games in mind, it can be used for any text editing purposes in which attention to detail and repetitive work are required. The program is written in ISO C99 and the GUI in C++ with Qt 5.15. It was cross-compiled for Windows with Mingw in Linux.

Original Thread


Added the ability to reverse the test logic for conditions, making them succeed on failure and fail on success. e.g, a normal condition tests if "line has record"; the same condition reversed tests if "line does NOT have record".
Added the ability to specify ranges when using field qualifiers, making it possible to write tests like "x < FIELD < y".
Added a status report message at the end of each operation indicating the number of records modified.
Improved tool-tip descriptions.
Fixed memory bug in the export code that could result in the program crashing.
Fixed a bug preventing section markers separated by characters other than spaces from being matched.
Fixed a bug preventing negative numbers from being used as field qualifiers.
Stripped all external dependencies from the executable bringing the size down to a few KB.


  • PlainEdit
  • PlainEdit


November 23, 2020 at 06:59 PM
Apologies, it seems the file I uploaded won't work for anyone because of numerous dependency issues. I tested it in Wine before uploading but upon testing on real Windows -a virtual machine actually, but that's as real as Windows gets for me- it's obvious it doesn't work. For the time being I've reverted back to the humongous executable size. It's basically the same thing except for my hurt pride. Shipping a 120KB application as an 18MB executable makes me want to run into a corner in shame.
