Downloads: List Checker (esp. useful to find mistaken db IDs)

List Checker (esp. useful to find mistaken db IDs)

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Uploaded by King Sama - June 25, 2012
Author Author King Sama
File Size File Size 3.5 KB
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I made a very basic program yesterday to help me find root out an error in a rather large unit db file, related to the unit ID or name (usually first column). So, I thought I'd upload it in case anyone else might find it useful.

The function of this program is to go through two lists, determine whether or not there are any differences (in substance, not order), and then inform the user. The primary envisioned purpose is, as above, to check through any unit, building, or any other sort of custom IDs in order to find any misspellings or any left-out entries, which however, does require the ID names to be separated from the rest (through excel or otherwise). It could also check through identical tsv files and determine whether any words exist in one that do not exist in the other.

If anyone wished to, they could set up a list of all acceptable entries in any given file, in which case entire tsv files could be fed and thoroughly surveyed for typos or other unacceptable entries. I do not intend to do so currently, although if the need ever presented itself to me, I may. However, if anyone else does this, please upload it here for the benefit of others.

Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

1. Place text in list1.txt and list2.txt, and save each file. Every space or line separated word will be scanned by the List Checker, and if it does not have an equivalent in the other list, the program will notify you.
2. Run ListChecker.bat, and the command prompt will display with all the necessary information.


Checking DB IDs:

The recommended way to do this, is to export tsvs for each file you need to check, open them on excel, and then copy the id columns you wish to compare onto the separate lists. Order does not matter, whether of which list holds which file, or whether the individual entries are arranged differently (as long as they are still properly separated). DO NOT simply copy the full tsv: unless they are of the same db file, this will check for every spaced word.


Please Note:

- Moving any of the files other than this readme will cause the program to fail.
- No list should contain more than 1,000,000 separate entries to ensure proper function. It may be possible to do more, but this hasn't been tested.




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