Downloads: Aging 1 Year/Turn Mod

Aging 1 Year/Turn Mod

Uploaded by AltarisGreyhawke - December 19, 2006
Author Author Altaris Greyhawke
File Size File Size 12.3 KB
Downloads Downloads 1,181
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This is a little modification to the "campaign_script.txt" file that causes aging to occur at a rate of 1 year/turn. This is accomplished as a variation of Myrrdaal's 4 turns/year script from RTW.

Aging occurs when a turn ends on a winter season. What this script does is force the season to always change to winter immediately after the rebel faction's turn ends (the last thing in the turn). Then, it corrects the season every other turn to keep the cycle in place. This causes aging to occur every turn, perfect for anyone running a 1.00 timescale that wants realistic aging.

Do keep in mind that using this script will mean characters exist in the game only half as long as vanilla (since they age twice as fast). I for one think this is a good thing, as characters seem to just hang around far too long in the original settings, but others may not feel the same.

To install, simply extract the "campaign_script.txt" file from the attached .zip file to the "imperial_campaign" directory for your game or mod. No other changes have been made to the "campaign_script.txt" file apart from the aging script.




December 23, 2006 at 05:57 PM
Very good mod!!!!

This is a great failure in vanilla game....... one year by turn (2 years of gameplay) is the exact measure for a balanced game!!!! Thank you Altaris!! You rock !!
December 30, 2006 at 04:42 AM
Generals and agents all ages 1year/turn?
December 31, 2006 at 11:14 PM
wow nice. Does this affect children being born at all? If they're around half as long seems like there might be a lowered chance to have children during childbearing ages...
January 07, 2007 at 11:15 PM
Unfortunately it introduces a bug- Devestation remains on the map, either permanently or for a VERY LONG time... something about processing summer turns is critical for the game.
January 14, 2007 at 08:49 AM
Not what I was looking for but...

I have looked for a way to get non-ageing generals. Running a string-replace and switching all strings from "winter" to "summer" in this script file seems to actually work!!! I now got non-ageing generals and is currently playing a campaign. I don't know yet if there will be any bugs but so far it looks good. Thanks for the script
April 12, 2007 at 01:06 AM
"It has some problems that I fixed in the file descr_aerial_map_ground_types.txt"
some 1 said this but not sure wat if anything needs to b changed in that line ,any 1 know ?
July 25, 2007 at 08:17 AM
isn't it makes general have a long live?
if its right,its very good.....