Downloads: Name Verifier

Name Verifier

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Uploaded by Gigantus - November 10, 2021
Author Author tornnight
File Size File Size 198.8 KB
Downloads Downloads 192
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Requires Java 1.6 or greater

What it does:
1. Ensures all names in descr_names.txt are also in names.txt.
2. Ensures all names in names.txt are also in descr_names_lookup.txt.
3. Ensures character names in descr_strat.txt are included in descr_names.txt for the correct faction
4. Ensures surnames in descr_strat.txt are included in descr_names.txt for the correct faction
5. Ensures female names in descr_strat.txt are included in descr_names.txt for the correct faction
6. Checks for duplicate names in descr_strat.txt
7. Checks for names in names.txt not in descr_names.txt
8. Checks for non-standard characters in names

How to Use:
Put the following files in the same directory as name_verifier.exe




  • Name Verifier


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