Downloads: Bi Fantasy Campaign 1.0

Bi Fantasy Campaign 1.0

Uploaded by BagaturSasha - October 25, 2021
Author Author BagaturSasha
File Size File Size 6.63 MB
Downloads Downloads 109
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This is small fantasy campaign, based on the Barbarian Invasion plot-line. You can take part in the big war in different alternative world.
Almost all factions are playable here.

You can use it in Barbarian Invasion 1.6 game as provincial campaign and also use it with many other mods:
- Age of Knights and Prophets - Soissons Cup - Age of Merowings - Throne of Pendragon (you can try)

You can also use it in your own mod. Map was updated by myself.

If you want to use it in BI, just put all files to your BI folder. If you want to use in your own mods, put all files from here to your mod-folder (BI engine only, its will not work in Alex engine)




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