Downloads: RealCombat 1.3

RealCombat 1.3

Uploaded by Point Blank - July 19, 2007
Author Author Point Blank
File Size File Size 2.45 MB
Downloads Downloads 7,546
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RealCombat 1.3 Battle Mechanics

RealCombat 1.3 is complete and available for download. RC 1.3 includes many changes to improve realism and balance, and is most significant update to the mod since RC 1.1. It will also hopefully be the final one before the M2TW: Kingdoms expansion, for which there will also be a RC conversion.

RC is an attempt to create a more realistic M2TW combat experience via the modification of a number of crucial stats for all units, using a consistent and detailed framework.

Please read the accompanying 13-page guide to gain a better understanding of what this means and how it has been done.

RealCombat Features
Some RC features include:
Armor System
-armor values derived from actual forces required to penetrate different armor types
-heavier armors significantly more effective
-variety of shield types, some of which alter defense, eg smaller buckler is effective in melee but less versus missile fire

Weapon System
-attack values derived from actual forces generated at weapon impact, for both melee and missile weapons
-42 weapons modelled in all
-defense values derived from usefulness of the weapon in parrying or blocking, ranging from swords (best) to 2H axes (worst)
-weapon attack speeds favour balanced weapons such as swords, heavier AP-type weapons with mass at striking end take more time between attacks
-weapon special attributes re-worked
-more complete treatment of polearms - types, attacks, defenses, speeds and anti-cavalry and phalanx bonuses
-more complete treatment of crossbows as they evolved over period covered by game
-weapons generally overmatched by increasingly strong armors, leading to much greater use of polearms, crossbows etc
-all weapons balanced for animations
-extensive balance testing overall
-improved treatment of pikes and polearm phalanxes

Unit Class System
-five unit classes: Peasant, Militia, Average, Quality and Elite
-each gives bonuses or penalties to attack, defense, attack speed, missile accuracy, cost and the usual morale etc

Unit Type System
-four unit types: Foot Melee, Mounted Melee, Foot Missile, Mounted Missile
-each further modifies attack, defense, attack speed, missile accuracy and cost
-leads to total of 20 Unit Class/Type combinations, each with unique bonuses and penalties

Mounted Combat
-horse armors now have effect vs missile fire and in melee
-variety of lance styles alter charge bonuses, from early/light lance used by Mailed Knights through to extra heavy lance used by late units such as Lancers
-non-couched spears have reduced charge bonuses compared to couched lances
-horse mass values updated
-heavy mounted units now very effective in melee
-mounted archers suffer accuracy penalty depending upon weapon used

Missile Combat
-complete re-work of all missile accuracies
-all accuracies altered by unit class, ie peasant archers are out-shot by elite archers
-higher class archers cause more damage due to heavier draw poundages, opposite for low class
-ranges at which effective fire can be delivered altered by unit class
-crossbows and firearms suffer less and gain less from use by low and high class units
-shooting times altered by weapon type and sometimes unit class
-ammo loads altered
-weapon velocities, impact masses, usability in rain and direct/indirect fire capabilities altered for realism
-artillery stats altered for realism

Cost Model
-unit recruitment costs and upkeep costs derived from actual medieval sources
-cost calculations include as factors: armor type, mount type and armor, training cost, wage, unit type, unit class, weapon type, training and discipline level and other factors

-all stat values balanced for animations
-some units use re-assigned animations more appropriate to their weapon type
-improved unit cohesion

-Special units eg Forlorn Hope and Hashishim re-worked
-Generals' stats and costs re-worked
-cavalry unit sizes reduced by 25% for better balance and more tactical gameplay
-extensive input and overall testing by community
-13 page guide included so users can generate their own units
-there will be a RC Kingdoms conversion and all units will be balanced between that and Grand Campaign
-and more!

Copy the contents of the 'data' folder to the M2TW data folder or your mod's data folder. Make sure you are running the game with --io.file_first if in the M2TW/data folder.

In the data folder:
-Sorry, no more support of 2HP generals and special units. Especially with generals stats bonuses and the new effects of horse armor, they are just way too powerful with 2HP. Other special units have been given additional bonuses to compensate
-If you are using Burrek's units mod, copy the contents of the burrek_units.txt to export_descr_units.txt
-If you are using Dismounted Knights mod, copy the contents of the Dismounted_Knights.txt to export_descr_units.txt

RC also includes Serious Samurai's polearm mod which gives the English bill (polearm) units a much more historically accurate 8 foot billhook, and some much-needed anti-cavalry power. Thankyou SS
It also includes some other files which improve the look of smoke, muzzle flashes, explosions etc. That work was not mine but obtained from the 'Projectiles effects modification' available for download from TWC.

Many thanks also to all who have contributed with valuable testing, editing, suggestions and feedback, and especially to the regulars in the old RealCombat 1.0-1.1 thread, at 55 pages short:, if you have a spare few days it makes interesting reading!
The RC 1.2 thread is at:

All feedback is very welcome.

1.3 Main changes:
-Padded armor value now 3 rather than 4 to better comply with armor upgrade system
-Firearm accuracies changed and attack delays added to slow rates of fire (affects better quality units less)
-Crossbows (not steel crossbows) and firearms now affected by rain
-All Firearrows slightly reduced in accuracy
-Improvement in accuracy of gunpowder artillery
-Reduction in accuracy of non-gunpowder artillery
-Many projectile velocities updated
-Addition of Light (or Early or Low Quality) and Heavy Crossbow types to better simulate evolution of crossbow during period covered by game, all crossbow ranges updated, see RC guide for details
-Crossbows and firearms no longer capable of indirect fire, line-of-fire is now more important with these weapons
-Bow and crossbow ammo loads altered. Order (less to more) is: Steel Crossbow, Heavy Crossbow, Longbow, Crossbow, Composite Bow, Light Crossbow, Bow. This is for realism and also improves balance
-Rate of fire for heavy and steel crossbows slightly reduced
-Mounted missile accuracy penalty now varies by weapon type, from light crossbow (best) to longbow (worst)
-Tower ballista now causes small damage to siege machines
-Many missile weapons can be fired through a greater range of angles to enable better shooting rates from behind battlements etc
-Sherwood Archers given accuracy and range bonus over Retinue Longbowmen
-Hashishim and Battlefield Assassins given +1 attack, +1 defense, disciplined and highly_trained
-Forlorn Hope extra +1 attack and -1 defense (now +2 and -2 total for 'desperation') for additional value as an assault unit. Also lock_morale, they win or die trying!
-Yeoman Archers have been given accuracy, range and cost between 'quality' and 'elite' to better fit in with English unit roster
-Projectile masses altered to reflect impact force
-Increased attack value by 1 for most non-AP melee weapons to better balance with missile weapons, AP weapons and higher armor values for platemail or better in RC 1.2 onwards
-Removed disfunctional spear_bonus from polearm units and replaced with mount_effect
-Poleaxes, 2H axes and 2H swords given very small anti-cavalry bonus for longer reach
-Polearm phalanxes more vulverable to cavalry frontal attack (uses spear attribute rather than long_pike)
-Polearm types have more variation in attack, defense, attack delays and effects versus cavalry
-Horizontal spacing of pike units varied by unit quality and reduced slightly to compensate for reduced stat_charge_dist distance causing increased penetration between pikes
-Barded, mailed, eastern armored and armored horses add some armor to total, see RC Guide for details. Late-period very heavy cavalry is now best fought with the right weapons - polearms in melee, pikes or other heavy cavalry
-Complete re-work of mass model
--------less differentiation between foot units
--------more differentiation between mounts
--------reduction in mount/foot mass ratios
--------polearm units have extra mass to help compensate for excessive vulnerability to cavalry
--------small mass boost for pikes
-Simplification of lance charge bonuses, now dependent on lance type but independent of mount type to reduce over-powerful charges
-Cavalry units reduced in size by 25% for better balance and more tactical gameplay
-Slight reduction in some terrain penalties (-4 to -3, -6 to -4) to better fit in with RC stats
-Increased upkeep costs for most firearms units because of increased supplies required and frequently higher payments commanded by those troops
-Reduction in damage from Naffatun firebomb
-Cavalry charge distance requirement raised to make charges more difficult to complete and less frequent
-Increased cost for 'Late Renaissance' Plate units (Lancers, Gendarmes)

1.21 Main changes:
-Improved missile accuracy model
-Improved unit cohesion

This resource is currently inaccessible, if you have a replacement download to offer please mention it here with a link to this resource and its replacement




July 19, 2007 at 03:56 PM
Would it be awkward if I said I love you? cuz I do. lol jk but really, great job on this mod. It's very organized and professional. You got my respect. Now you just gotta give me some pointers. : D
July 25, 2007 at 08:03 AM
Isn't that mod only for v1.2??
can it for V1.0 Too??
doctor turkey
August 10, 2007 at 06:01 AM
Hey, could U correct the gloss on Billmen's helmets in the next version please!?
August 15, 2007 at 04:44 PM
AnDz: Yes, only for v1.2!

doctor turkey: Point Blank is not a skinner or graphic artist - he is unit stats balancer...

Superb work, thank you PB!!!
August 21, 2007 at 11:02 PM
I love what you've done and I've got one question. My pc is straining to run the game and the arrow effect (staying on the ground the whole battle) has severely limited its ability to cope and now I'm getting serious lag. Is there a way to keep the mod but edit out that particular effect?

February 27, 2008 at 08:46 AM
Can it for v1.4,the version that after install kingdom?
March 01, 2009 at 01:24 PM
Really good mod. The arrows that stay in the ground r the best part. There is this problem though that my archers never shoot the enemy infantry while they r engaged with my own infantry. Only way I can take out the problem is by changing the descr_effect_impacts. By changing it though, the arrows will disappear. Is there a way u can fix this with the arrows staying in the ground?
August 19, 2009 at 08:40 AM
old dl url or something? fkign filefront always says that file cant be found of w/e
December 12, 2009 at 12:09 PM
Ya, link is dead.
February 15, 2010 at 06:57 PM
September 04, 2010 at 06:31 AM
:o The Link died!

And iiiii-iiiii Will always, Miss you!!!!

Till your repaired =]
January 08, 2011 at 10:04 AM
Link still dead.
March 18, 2011 at 03:41 PM
link takes me 2 jixysearches
March 23, 2011 at 04:45 PM
I found a link to Real Combat 1.31! Thought i'll share it to everyone.
November 23, 2015 at 06:40 AM
Link is dead! Anyone has 1.31?