Downloads: Skins

Files in category : Skins
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Agrippa's Realistic Julii Skins Agrippa's Realistic Julii Skins : features a legionary a heavy cavalry an archer auxilia duller colours full segmentata detailed helm ... [more] (532.3 KB) October 16, 2004 4,731 1
Complete Imperial Maps Complete Imperial Maps : Play with the all-factions mod? Tired of not knowing what you're getting into with those unplayable ... [more] (1.68 MB) October 12, 2004 2,708 0
Roman Skin mod v2 Roman Skin mod v2 : Updated unit skins for the: -Hastati -Principes -Triarii -Town Watch -Auxillia Infantry -Legionary I ... [more] (2.32 MB) October 11, 2004 8,526 2
Spartan Hoplite Mod Spartan Hoplite Mod : This is the complete hoplite mod that i've worked on. There are 4 different types textures in this f ... [more] (405.3 KB) October 11, 2004 6,675 0
corrected gloss files for all units corrected gloss files for all units : This is a set of tga files to add gloss/reflections to all units. To use, create a new directory in ... [more] (3.11 MB) October 08, 2004 7,561 0
New Greek Units Mod2 New Greek Units Mod2 : Alright, here is a mod for Greece that includes 2 new units (athenian hoplite and spartan archer, bo ... [more] (824.6 KB) October 08, 2004 5,107 2
New Praetorian Without Head Dress New Praetorian Without Head Dress : I've reskinned the existing Praetorian to look a little more menacing and easy to identify on the fi ... [more] (172.7 KB) October 07, 2004 2,091 0
New Textures for Greek Units - RTW New Textures for Greek Units - RTW : Beta package for new textures, spartans, etc. By Conon394, see rtw workshop form post by me on Spart ... [more] (156.5 KB) October 06, 2004 4,963 0
New Praetorian With Head Dress New Praetorian With Head Dress : I've reskinned the existing Praetorian to look a little more menacing and easy to identify on the fi ... [more] (158.0 KB) October 06, 2004 3,732 1
Roman Centurions and Standards Roman Centurions and Standards : This mod adds appropriate centurions and standard bearers to Roman units. Features: 1) Units with a ... [more] (32.7 KB) October 03, 2004 6,621 1
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