Award: Novus


Awarded for exceptional contributions to the site in the capacity of a staff member.

Members who received this award: 46
Justinian, Omnipotent-Q, Simetrical, Seleukos, Obi Wan Asterix, irishron, Tom Paine, Scorch, makanyane, Hader, Leonidas The Lion, Juvenal, LuckyLewis, Augustus Lucifer, Hesus de bodemloze, Gigantus, GrnEyedDvl, jimkatalanos, Squid, Jom, DarrenTotalWar, y2day, DekuTrash, Astaroth, m_1512, Legio, Viking Prince, Poach, Ishan, Tiberios, Finlander, Darth Red, Tango12345, Bolkonsky, Lifthrasir, Daily, Radzeer, TheDarkKnight, StealthFox, lolIsuck, Flinn, Parafix, Jadli, Alwyn, Abdülmecid I, Caillagh de Bodemloze
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